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Viser: Computational Statistical Methodologies and Modeling for Artificial Intelligence

Computational Statistical Methodologies and Modeling for Artificial Intelligence

Computational Statistical Methodologies and Modeling for Artificial Intelligence

Priyanka Harjule, Azizur Rahman og Basant Agarwal
Sprog: Engelsk
658,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 360 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: Priyanka Harjule, Azizur Rahman og Basant Agarwal
  • ISBN: 9781032181424

This book covers computational statistics-based approaches for Artificial Intelligence. The aim of this book is to provide comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals through the applications of the different kinds of mathematical modelling and statistical techniques and describing their applications in different Artificial Intelligence systems. The primary users of this book will include researchers, academicians, postgraduate students, and specialists in the areas of data science, mathematical modelling, and Artificial Intelligence. It will also serve as a valuable resource for many others in the fields of electrical, computer, and optical engineering.

The key features of this book are:

  • Presents development of several real-world problem applications and experimental research in the field of computational statistics and mathematical modelling for Artificial Intelligence
  • Examines the evolution of fundamental research into industrialized research and the transformation of applied investigation into real-time applications
  • Examines the applications involving analytical and statistical solutions, and provides foundational and advanced concepts for beginners and industry professionals
  • Provides a dynamic perspective to the concept of computational statistics for analysis of data and applications in intelligent systems with an objective of ensuring sustainability issues for ease of different stakeholders in various fields
  • Integrates recent methodologies and challenges by employing mathematical modeling and statistical techniques for Artificial Intelligence
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