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Viser: Understanding Cyber-Warfare - Politics, Policy and Strategy

Understanding Cyber-Warfare, 2. udgave
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Understanding Cyber-Warfare Vital Source e-bog

Christopher Whyte og Brian M. Mazanec
Taylor & Francis
538,00 kr.
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Understanding Cyber-Warfare - Politics, Policy and Strategy, 2. udgave

Understanding Cyber-Warfare

Politics, Policy and Strategy
Christopher Whyte og Brian Mazanec
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
539,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (April 2023)
  • Forfattere: Christopher Whyte og Brian M. Mazanec
  • ISBN: 9781000839906
This textbook offers an accessible introduction to the historical, technical, and strategic context of global cyber conflict. The second edition has been revised and updated throughout, with three new chapters. Cyber warfare involves issues of doctrine, strategy, policy, international relations (IR) and operational practice associated with computer network attack, computer network exploitation and computer network defense. However, it is conducted within complex sociopolitical settings alongside related forms of digital contestation. This book provides students with a comprehensive perspective on the technical, strategic and policy issues associated with cyber conflict, as well as an introduction to key state and non-state actors. Specifically, the book provides a comprehensive overview of several key issue areas: The historical context of the emergence and evolution of cyber warfare, including the basic characteristics and methods of computer network attack, exploitation and defense An interdisciplinary set of theoretical perspectives on conflict in the digital age from the point of view of the fields of IR, security studies, psychology and science, technology and society (STS) studies Current national perspectives, policies, doctrines and strategies relevant to cyber warfare An examination of key challenges in international law, norm development and deterrence; and The role of emerging information technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing in shaping the dynamics of global cyber conflict This textbook will be essential reading for students of cybersecurity/cyber conflict and information warfare, and highly recommended for students of intelligence studies, security and strategic studies, defense policy, and IR in general.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 340 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (April 2023)
  • Forfattere: Christopher Whyte og Brian Mazanec
  • ISBN: 9781032159317

This textbook offers an accessible introduction to the historical, technical, and strategic context of global cyber conflict. The second edition has been revised and updated throughout, with three new chapters.

Cyber warfare involves issues of doctrine, strategy, policy, international relations (IR) and operational practice associated with computer network attack, computer network exploitation and computer network defense. However, it is conducted within complex sociopolitical settings alongside related forms of digital contestation. This book provides students with a comprehensive perspective on the technical, strategic and policy issues associated with cyber conflict, as well as an introduction to key state and non-state actors.

Specifically, the book provides a comprehensive overview of several key issue areas:

  • The historical context of the emergence and evolution of cyber warfare, including the basic characteristics and methods of computer network attack, exploitation and defense
  • An interdisciplinary set of theoretical perspectives on conflict in the digital age from the point of view of the fields of IR, security studies, psychology and science, technology and society (STS) studies
  • Current national perspectives, policies, doctrines and strategies relevant to cyber warfare
  • An examination of key challenges in international law, norm development and deterrence; and
  • The role of emerging information technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing in shaping the dynamics of global cyber conflict

This textbook will be essential reading for students of cybersecurity/cyber conflict and information warfare, and highly recommended for students of intelligence studies, security and strategic studies, defense policy, and IR in general.

1. Introduction
2. The Technological Foundations of Insecurity in the Digital Age
3. Cyberspace and International Relations
4. Exploit: From Signals Intelligence to Cyber Warriors
5. Attack: From Exploitation to Offensive Cyber Operations
6. Shape: Subvert, Deceive, Poison
7. The Topology and History of Major Cyber Conflict Episodes
8. National Experiences with Cyber-Security: Realization and Institutional Development
9. States at Cyberwar: The Dynamics and National Strategies of Cyber Conflict
10. Cyber Conflict as 'Grey Zone' Conflict
11. Non-State Actors: Terrorism, Subversion and Activism Online
12. Norms, Ethics and International Law for Offensive Cyber Operations
13. Evolution: How the Logics of Cyber Conflict Might Change
14. Revolution: How the Nature of Cyber Conflict Might Change
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