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Viser: Digitalizing Sustainability - The Five Forces of Digital Transformation

Digitalizing Sustainability - The Five Forces of Digital Transformation

Digitalizing Sustainability

The Five Forces of Digital Transformation
Kathryn Sforcina
Sprog: Engelsk
Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Incorporated
444,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Apr 2023.

Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 168 sider
  • Udgiver: Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Incorporated (April 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781032034836

Digitalizing Sustainability outlines why 'business as usual' isn't working and sets out five Transformational Forces which can be used to innovate and scale sustainability solutions using digital means.

This transformation will be powered by a range of digital technologies that have the potential to ideate, propel and scale sustainability solutions in an exponential manner over the next decade. This book introduces the Five Forces of Digital Transformation. These forces all share a common root - they are powered by digital technologies that enable them to operate at the speed and scale that we need to achieve global transformation for people and planet. Working together, these forces help overcome many of the barriers and pitfalls that humanity has faced in trying to achieve sustainability 2.0 and will help you tackle these questions:

  1. Why has sustainability 1.0 failed us?
  2. What are the bugs and bad code in our operating systems that we must address to have any hope of creating a sustainable civilization?
  3. What are the Five Forces of Digital Transformation that will forge a sustainable and resilient future for our people and planet?
  4. What are the core priorities going forward for coalitions of the willing to harness these forces for sustainability and resilience?

Disruptive and innovative, this book provides readers with a clear path forward to a sustainable digital future. It will be of great interest to anyone interested in the adoption of digital technologies for driving solutions to global sustainability challenges.

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