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Research Methods for Sports Studies, 4. udgave
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Research Methods for Sports Studies Vital Source e-bog

Ian Jones
Taylor & Francis
488,00 kr.
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Research Methods for Sports Studies, 4. udgave

Research Methods for Sports Studies

Ian Jones
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
555,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Februar 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781000540307
Research Methods for Sports Studies is a comprehensive, engaging and practical textbook that provides a grounding in qualitative and quantitative research for students studying programmes related to sport and physical activity. Leading the reader step-by-step through the entire research process, from identifying a research question and collecting and analysing data to writing and presenting the research report, the book is richly illustrated throughout with sport-related case studies and examples from around the world. Research Methods for Sports Studies is designed to be a complete and self-contained companion to any research methods course and contains a wealth of useful features, such as highlighted definitions of key terms, all-new case studies from active researchers and practical research exercises. Now in a revised and updated fourth edition, and in full colour for the first time, the book features expanded coverage of key topics such as online research, data visualisation, image analysis, source evaluation, mixed methods and the philosophical foundations of research. It also includes new material on the challenges of researching during a pandemic and reflects on the importance of diversity and inclusion, from feminist and indigenous methodologies to increased diversity of cases and researcher voices. This is an essential read for any student undertaking a dissertation or research project as part of their studies in sport, exercise and related fields, including sport management, sport development, the sociology of sport, sport marketing, sport-related tourism, sport coaching, physical education and other similar degrees. Additional online material is available for students and instructors, including web links, multiple-choice revision questions, PowerPoint slides and additional learning activities for use in and out of class.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Paperback: 362 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Marts 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781032017525

Research Methods for Sports Studies is a comprehensive, engaging and practical textbook that provides a grounding in qualitative and quantitative research for students studying programmes related to sport and physical activity.

Leading the reader step-by-step through the entire research process, from identifying a research question and collecting and analysing data to writing and presenting the research report, the book is richly illustrated throughout with sport-related case studies and examples from around the world. Research Methods for Sports Studies is designed to be a complete and self-contained companion to any research methods course and contains a wealth of useful features, such as highlighted definitions of key terms, all-new case studies from active researchers and practical research exercises. Now in a revised and updated fourth edition, and in full colour for the first time, the book features expanded coverage of key topics such as online research, data visualisation, image analysis, source evaluation, mixed methods and the philosophical foundations of research. It also includes new material on the challenges of researching during a pandemic and reflects on the importance of diversity and inclusion, from feminist and indigenous methodologies to increased diversity of cases and researcher voices.

This is an essential read for any student undertaking a dissertation or research project as part of their studies in sport, exercise and related fields, including sport management, sport development, the sociology of sport, sport marketing, sport-related tourism, sport coaching, physical education and other similar degrees.

Additional online material is available for students and instructors, including web links, multiple-choice revision questions, PowerPoint slides and additional learning activities for use in and out of class.

1. What is Research?,
2. Research Traditions in Sport,
3. The Research Process,
4. Research Questions, Aims and Objectives,
5. Reviewing the Literature,
6. Theories, Concepts and Variables,
7. Research Designs and Research Ethics,
8. Collecting Data I: The Questionnaire Survey,
9. Collecting Data II: Interviews,
10. Collecting Data III: Unobtrusive Methods - Observation and Content Analysis,
11. Collecting Data IV: Ethnographic Research in Sport,
12. Online Sport Research,
13. Analysing Data I: Quantitative Data Analysis,
14. Analysing Data II: Qualitative Data Analysis,
15. Writing the Research Report,
16. Practical Issues
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