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Viser: Essays by Montaigne - The Philosophy Classic

Essays, 1. udgave
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Essays Vital Source e-bog

Michel de Montaigne
John Wiley & Sons
154,00 kr.
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Essays by Montaigne - The Philosophy Classic

Essays by Montaigne

The Philosophy Classic
Michel. De Montaigne, Philippe Desan og Tom Butler-Bowdon
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
99,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Marts 2022)
  • ISBN: 9780857089342

An essential companion to the most relevant works of Michel de Montaigne

Essays: The Philosophy Classic delivers a carefully curated collection of thought-provoking works by sixteenth-century thinker Michel De Montaigne. Exploring topics as diverse as politics, poetry, love, friendship and the purpose of philosophy, this latest entry in the celebrated Capstone Classics series is accessible and intuitively organized.

Follow the thoughts of the person who created the essay genre in literature as he expresses his philosophy, interests, and learning. Throughout, you’ll be guided by an expansive introduction by leading Montaigne scholar Philippe Desan and the comments of series editor Tom Butler-Bowdon, placing the work of Montaigne in its historical and philosophical context.

You’ll also find:

  • Celebrated and famous works by Montaigne, including noted classics like “That to Study Philosophy is to Learn to Die”
  • Lesser-known works that have taken on increased importance in the unique context of the 21st-century
  • A version of the popular Charles Cotton translation first published in 1685: a simple, faithful, and clear adaptation of the French original

An invaluable resource for anyone interested in the insightful and illuminating work of one of the most enduring thinkers of the 16th-century, Essays: The Philosophy Classic is an essential addition to the libraries of philosophers, historians, and laypeople seeking an eye-opening and fascinating exploration of life itself.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 656 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Marts 2022)
  • Forfattere: Michel. De Montaigne, Philippe Desan og Tom Butler-Bowdon
  • ISBN: 9780857089335

An essential companion to the most relevant works of Michel de Montaigne

Essays: The Philosophy Classic delivers a carefully curated collection of thought-provoking works by sixteenth-century thinker Michel De Montaigne. Exploring topics as diverse as politics, poetry, love, friendship and the purpose of philosophy, this latest entry in the celebrated Capstone Classics series is accessible and intuitively organized.

Follow the thoughts of the person who created the essay genre in literature as he expresses his philosophy, interests, and learning. Throughout, you'll be guided by an expansive introduction by leading Montaigne scholar Philippe Desan and the comments of series editor Tom Butler-Bowdon, placing the work of Montaigne in its historical and philosophical context.

You'll also find:

  • Celebrated and famous works by Montaigne, including noted classics like "That to Study Philosophy is to Learn to Die"
  • Lesser-known works that have taken on increased importance in the unique context of the 21st-century
  • A version of the popular Charles Cotton translation first published in 1685: a simple, faithful, and clear adaptation of the French original

An invaluable resource for anyone interested in the insightful and illuminating work of one of the most enduring thinkers of the 16th-century, Essays: The Philosophy Classic is an essential addition to the libraries of philosophers, historians, and laypeople seeking an eye-opening and fascinating exploration of life itself.

To the Reader xliii Book I 1 8 On Idleness 3 9 On Liars 5 14 That the Way We See Good and Evil Depends on the Opinion We Have of Them 13 20 To Study Philosophy Is to Learn How to Die 39 21 On the Power of Imagination 63 23 On Custom, and That We Should Not Easily Change an Established Law 77 26 On the Education of Children 99 28 On Friendship 147 30 On Moderation 165 31 On Cannibals 175 39 On Solitude 193 Book II 209 1 On the Inconstancy of Our Actions 211 6 Use Makes Perfect 221 10 On Books 235 11 On Cruelty 251 18 On Giving the Lie 271 30 On a Monstrous Child 277 35 On Three Good Women 281 Book III 291 1 On Profit and Honesty 293 2 On Repentance 313 5 On Some Verses of Virgil 331 6 On Coaches 411 8 On the Art of Conversation 435 9 On Vanity 465 13 On Experience 541
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