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Viser: Sustainability - If It's Everything, Is It Nothing?

Sustainability, 2. udgave
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Sustainability Vital Source e-bog

Heather M. Farley og Zachary A. Smith
Taylor & Francis
523,00 kr.
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Sustainability - If It's Everything, Is It Nothing?, 2. udgave


If It's Everything, Is It Nothing?
Heather M. Farley og Zachary A. Smith
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
515,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Marts 2020)
  • Forfattere: Heather M. Farley og Zachary A. Smith
  • ISBN: 9781351124904
In this second edition, the authors present new developments in the sustainability discussion and argue that a new understanding of sustainability is needed if we are to truly serve future generations ecologically, economically, and equitably. Despite the great flurry of activity around sustainability, the concept itself remains highly contested. This book argues that a new conceptualization of sustainability is needed if we are to achieve a healthful and sustainable environment for the long term. The authors examine the uses, misuses, and abuses of sustainability, and provide case studies of faux sustainability in practice. Seeking to redefine and clarify the concept and its application, they offer a new definition of sustainability – what they call neo-sustainability – to help guide policies and practices that respect the primacy of the environment, the natural limits of the environment, and the relationship between environmental, social, and economic systems. Offering a comprehensive view of sustainability, this text is essential reading for all students and scholars in the field. It will also be of interest to environmental professionals and activists.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 198 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (April 2020)
  • Forfattere: Heather M. Farley og Zachary A. Smith
  • ISBN: 9780815357162

In this second edition, the authors present new developments in the sustainability discussion and argue that a new understanding of sustainability is needed if we are to truly serve future generations ecologically, economically, and equitably.

Despite the great flurry of activity around sustainability, the concept itself remains highly contested. This book argues that a new conceptualization of sustainability is needed if we are to achieve a healthful and sustainable environment for the long term. The authors examine the uses, misuses, and abuses of sustainability, and provide case studies of faux-sustainability in practice. Seeking to redefine and clarify the concept and its application, they offer a new definition of sustainability - what they call neo-sustainability - to help guide policies and practices that respect the primacy of the environment, the natural limits of the environment, and the relationship between environmental, social, and economic systems.

Offering a comprehensive view of sustainability, this text is essential reading for all students and scholars in the field. It will also be of interest to environmental professionals and activists.

1. A Brief History of Sustainability
2. Multidisciplinary Ways of Defining Sustainability
3. A Review of the Literature on Sustainability and its definitions
4. Government Responses to the Sustainability Challenge
5. Non-governmental Institutions and Sustainability
6. Neo-Sustainability Conclusions
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