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The Modern History of Iraq, 4. udgave
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The Modern History of Iraq Vital Source e-bog

Phebe Marr
Taylor & Francis
727,00 kr.
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The Modern History of Iraq, 4. udgave

The Modern History of Iraq

Phebe Marr og Ibrahim Al-Marashi
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
715,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Maj 2018)
  • ISBN: 9780429974069
The Modern History of Iraq is a remarkably readable account of contemporary Iraq, placing in historical perspective the crises and upheavals that continue to afflict the country. This text weaves together several important themes, including the search for a national identity, the struggle to achieve social and economic development, the changes in political dynamics, and the impact of foreign interventions, to provide readers with a holistic understanding of modern Iraq. Revised and updated throughout, the fourth edition features more discussion of cultural identity and media and society. In addition, this edition includes two new chapters on the events and shifts in the country of the early twenty-first century-the US intervention and withdrawal, the stabilization and subsequent unraveling of the Maliki government, the effects of the Arab uprisings, and the rise of ISIS-and their political, economic, and social consequences. Written by noted Iraq scholar Phebe Marr with new co-author Ibrahim al-Marashi, this text is essential reading for readers who seek to understand modern Iraq in the context of historical perspective.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Paperback: 480 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Marts 2017)
  • Forfattere: Phebe Marr og Ibrahim Al-Marashi
  • ISBN: 9780813350066

The Modern History of Iraq is a remarkably readable account of contemporary Iraq, placing in historical perspective the crises and upheavals that continue to afflict the country. This text weaves together several important themes, including the search for a national identity, the struggle to achieve social and economic development, the changes in political dynamics, and the impact of foreign interventions, to provide readers with a holistic understanding of modern Iraq. Revised and updated throughout, the fourth edition features more discussion of cultural identity and media and society. In addition, this edition includes two new chapters on the events and shifts in the country of the early twenty-first century-the US intervention and withdrawal, the stabilization and subsequent unraveling of the Maliki government, the effects of the Arab uprisings, and the rise of ISIS-and their political, economic, and social consequences. Written by noted Iraq scholar Phebe Marr with new co-author Ibrahim al-Marashi, this text is essential reading for readers who seek to understand modern Iraq in the context of historical perspective.

Preface Note on Transliteration
1. The Land and People of Modern Iraq
2. The British Mandate, 1920--1932
3. The Erosion of the British Legacy, 1932--1945
4. The End of the Monarchy, 1946--1958
5. The Qasim Era, 1958--1963
6. The Arab Nationalists in Power, 1963--1968
7. The Era of Ba'th Party Rule, 1968--1979
8. The Saddam Husain Regime, 1979--1989
9. The Saddam Husain Regime, 1990--2003
10. U.S. Nation-Building in Iraq, 2003--2006
11. The Stabilization and Destabliziation of Iraq under Maliki, 2007--2014
12. The Rise of ISIS, 2014-2016
13. Economic, Social, and Cultural Change in Iraq, 2007-2016
14. Epilogue: The Future of Iraq Appendix: Tables Notes Glossary Political Personalities Bibliography Index
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