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Viser: Third Thoughts - The Universe We Still Don't Know

Third Thoughts - The Universe We Still Don't Know

Third Thoughts

The Universe We Still Don't Know
Steven Weinberg
Sprog: Engelsk
Harvard University Press
255,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 240 sider
  • Udgiver: Harvard University Press (August 2019)
  • ISBN: 9780674241473

A Forbes Holiday Gift Guide Selection

One of the most captivating science communicators of our time challenges us to reconsider the entanglement of science and society. From the cosmological to the personal, from astronomy and quantum physics to the folly of manned spaceflight and the rewards of getting things wrong, Steven Weinberg shares his views on the workings of the universe and our aspirations and limitations. Third Thoughts aims to provoke and inform and never loses sight of the human dimension of scientific discovery and its consequences for our drive to probe the workings of the cosmos.

"One of the 20th century's greatest physicists...shares his strongly-held opinions on everything from the Higgs boson to the state of theoretical physics and the problems of science and society."

"Weinberg has a knack for capturing a complex concept in a succinct, unforgettable image...One of the smartest and most diligent scientists around."

"The phrase 'public intellectual' is much bandied about. Just a few real heavyweights in the world merit the title, and Steven Weinberg is preeminent among them. His collection ranges from deep science on the very frontier of human comprehension, through his trenchant views on public policy, to history and the arts. Compelling reading."
--Richard Dawkins

"A stimulating and admirable book."
--Physics Today

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