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Viser: The Creation of Inequality - How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire

The Creation of Inequality
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The Creation of Inequality Vital Source e-bog

Kent Flannery og Joyce Marcus
Harvard University Press
319,00 kr.
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The Creation of Inequality - How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire

The Creation of Inequality

How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire
Kent Flannery og Joyce Marcus
Sprog: Engelsk
Harvard University Press
570,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes May 2012.

Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Harvard University Press (Maj 2012)
  • Forfattere: Kent Flannery og Joyce Marcus
  • ISBN: 9780674064973
Our early ancestors lived in small groups and worked actively to preserve social equality. As they created larger societies, however, inequality rose, and by 2500 bce truly egalitarian societies were on the wane. In The Creation of Inequality, Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus demonstrate that this development was not simply the result of population increase, food surplus, or the accumulation of valuables. Instead, inequality resulted from conscious manipulation of the unique social logic that lies at the core of every human group. A few societies allowed talented and ambitious individuals to rise in prestige while still preventing them from becoming a hereditary elite. But many others made high rank hereditary, by manipulating debts, genealogies, and sacred lore. At certain moments in history, intense competition among leaders of high rank gave rise to despotic kingdoms and empires in the Near East, Egypt, Africa, Mexico, Peru, and the Pacific. Drawing on their vast knowledge of both living and prehistoric social groups, Flannery and Marcus describe the changes in logic that create larger and more hierarchical societies, and they argue persuasively that many kinds of inequality can be overcome by reversing these changes, rather than by violence.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 622 sider
  • Udgiver: Harvard University Press (Maj 2012)
  • Forfattere: Kent Flannery og Joyce Marcus
  • ISBN: 9780674064690
Flannery and Marcus demonstrate that the rise of inequality was not simply the result of population increase, food surplus, or the accumulation of valuables but resulted from conscious manipulation of the unique social logic that lies at the core of every human group. Reversing the social logic can reverse inequality, they argue, without violence.
Contents Preface
Part I: Starting Out Equal One - Genesis and Exodus Two - Rousseau's "State of Nature" Three - Ancestors and Enemies Four - Why Our Ancestors Had Religion and the Arts Five - Inequality without Agriculture
Part II: Balancing Prestige and Equality Six - Agriculture and Achieved Renown Seven - The Ritual Buildings of Achievement-Based Societies Eight - The Prehistory of the Ritual House Nine - Prestige and Equality in Four Native American Societies
Part III: Societies That Made Inequality Hereditary Ten - The Rise and Fall of Hereditary Inequality in Farming Societies Eleven - Three Sources of Power in Chiefly Societies Twelve - From Ritual House to Temple in the Americas Thirteen - Aristocracy without Chiefs Fourteen - Temples and Inequality in Early Mesopotamia Fifteen - The Chiefly Societies in Our Backyard Sixteen - How to Turn Rank into Stratification: Tales of the South Pacific
Part IV: Inequality in Kingdoms and Empires Seventeen - How to Create a Kingdom Eighteen - Three of the New World's First- Generation Kingdoms Nineteen - The Land of the Scorpion King Twenty - Black Ox Hides and Golden Stools Twenty-One - The Nursery of Civilization Twenty-Two - Graft and Imperialism Twenty-Three - How New Empires Learn from Old
Part V: Resisting Inequality Twenty-Four - Inequality and Natural Law Notes Sources of Illustrations Index
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