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Viser: Rising Force - The Magic of Magnetic Levitation

Rising Force
Søgbar e-bog

Rising Force Vital Source e-bog

James D. Livingston
Harvard University Press
480,00 kr.
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Rising Force - The Magic of Magnetic Levitation

Rising Force

The Magic of Magnetic Levitation
James D. Livingston
Sprog: Engelsk
Harvard University Press
929,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes May 2011.

Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Harvard University Press (September 2011)
  • ISBN: 9780674061095
From Peter Pan to Harry Potter, from David Copperfield to levitating toys, there is magic in conquering gravity. In this first-ever popular introduction to “maglev”— the use of magnetic forces to overcome gravity and friction—James D. Livingston takes lay readers on a journey of discovery, from basic concepts to today’s most thrilling applications. The tour begins with examples of our historical fascination with levitation, both real and fake. At the next stop, Livingston introduces readers to the components of maglev: gravitational and magnetic forces in the universe, force fields, diamagnetism and stabilization, superdiamagnetism and supercurrents, maglev nanotechnology, and more. He explores the development of the superconductors that are making large-scale levitation devices possible, and the use of magnetic bearings in products ranging from implanted blood pumps to wind turbines, integrated circuit fabrication, and centrifuges to enrich uranium. In the last chapters, we arrive at the science behind maglev transportation systems, such as Chinese trains that travel 250 miles per hour without touching the tracks. Packed with fascinating anecdotes about the colorful personalities who have “fought friction by fighting gravity,” the book maintains accuracy throughout while it entertains and informs technical and nontechnical readers alike. With so many new applications for magnetic levitation on the horizon, Rising Force is sure to retain its own magic for years to come.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: Harvard University Press (Maj 2011)
  • ISBN: 9780674055353

From Peter Pan to Harry Potter, from David Copperfield to levitating toys, there is magic in conquering gravity. In this first-ever popular introduction to "maglev"-- the use of magnetic forces to overcome gravity and friction--James D. Livingston takes lay readers on a journey of discovery, from basic concepts to today's most thrilling applications.

The tour begins with examples of our historical fascination with levitation, both real and fake. At the next stop, Livingston introduces readers to the components of maglev: gravitational and magnetic forces in the universe, force fields, diamagnetism and stabilization, superdiamagnetism and supercurrents, maglev nanotechnology, and more. He explores the development of the superconductors that are making large-scale levitation devices possible, and the use of magnetic bearings in products ranging from implanted blood pumps to wind turbines, integrated circuit fabrication, and centrifuges to enrich uranium. In the last chapters, we arrive at the science behind maglev transportation systems, such as Chinese trains that travel 250 miles per hour without touching the tracks.

Packed with fascinating anecdotes about the colorful personalities who have "fought friction by fighting gravity," the book maintains accuracy throughout while it entertains and informs technical and nontechnical readers alike. With so many new applications for magnetic levitation on the horizon, Rising Force is sure to retain its own magic for years to come.

Contents Preface
1. Levity vs. Gravity
2. Gravitational and Magnetic Forces
3. Maglev--A Balance of Forces
4. Spinning the Levitron
5. Inducing Uplift
6. Flying Frogs
7. Super-Levitation
8. Feeding Back
9. In a Spin
10. The No- Spin Zone
11. Flying Trains
12. All Aboard!
13. Keeping It Up Sources and Suggested Readings Acknowledgments Index
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