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Viser: Light-Emitting Diodes
Light-Emitting Diodes Vital Source e-bog
E. Fred Schubert
Light-Emitting Diodes
E. Fred Schubert
Sprog: Engelsk
Detaljer om varen
- 2. Udgave
- Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
- Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Juni 2006)
- ISBN: 9780511343537
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen
- 2. Udgave
- Hardback: 434 sider
- Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Juni 2006)
- ISBN: 9780521865388
1. History of light-emitting diodes;
2. Radiative and non-radiative recombination;
3. Theory of radiative recombination;
4. LED basics: electrical properties;
5. LED basics: optical properties;
6. Junction and carrier temperature;
7. High internal efficiency designs;
8. Design of current flow;
9. High extraction efficiency structures;
10. Reflectors;
11. Packaging;
12. Visible-spectrum LEDs;
13. The AlGaInN material system and ultraviolet emitters;
14. Spontaneous emission from resonant cavities;
15. Resonant cavity light-emitting diodes;
16. Human eye sensitivity and photometric qualities;
17. Colorimetry;
18. Planckian sources and color temperature;
19. Color mixing and color rendering;
20. White-light sources based on LEDs;
21. White-light sources based on wavelength converters;
22. Optical communication;
23. Communication LEDs;
24. LED modulation characteristics.