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Theory of Colours
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Theory of Colours Vital Source e-bog

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Dover Publications
181,00 kr.
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Theory of Colours

Theory of Colours

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe og Charles L. Eastlake
Sprog: Engelsk
Dover Publications, Incorporated
178,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 288 sider
  • Udgiver: Dover Publications (Marts 2012)
  • ISBN: 9780486135953
The wavelength theory of light and color had been firmly established by the time the great German poet published his Theory of Colours in 1810. Nevertheless, Goethe believed that the theory derived from a fundamental error, in which an incidental result was mistaken for a elemental principle. Far from affecting a knowledge of physics, he maintained that such a background would inhibit understanding. The conclusions Goethe draws here rest entirely upon his personal observations. This volume does not have to be studied to be appreciated. The author's subjective theory of colors permits him to speak persuasively of color harmony and aesthetics. These notions may evoke a positive response on their merits, but even among those who regard them as pure fantasy, the grace and style of Goethe's exposition provide abundant rewards. Although his scientific reasoning on this subject has long since been dismissed, modern readers continue to appreciate the beauty and sweep of Goethe's conjectures regarding the connection between color and philosophical ideas. In addition, he offers insights into early 19th-century beliefs and modes of thought as well as a taste of European life during the Enlightenment.
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  • Paperback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: Dover Publications, Incorporated (Oktober 2006)
  • Forfattere: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe og Charles L. Eastlake
  • ISBN: 9780486448053
In this classic of speculative science, the author of Faust provides a unique perspective on the nature of color. Although not scientifically accurate in light of current knowledge, it offers an invaluable exploration of color, art, aesthetics, and philosophy, marked by inimitable prose and stimulating ideas.
Translator's PrefacePreface to the First Edition of 1810IntroductionPart I. Physiological Colours.I. Effects of Light and Darkness on the EyeII. Effects of Black and White Objects on the EyeIII. Grey Surfaces and ObjectsIV. Dazzling Colourless ObjectsV. Coloured ObjectsVI. Coloured ShadowsVII. Faint LightsVIII. Subjective Halos Pathological Colours--AppendixPart II. Physical Colours.IX. Dioptrical ColoursX. Dioptrical Colours of the First ClassXI. Dioptrical Colours of the Second Class--Refraction Subjective ExperimentsXII. Refraction without the Appearance of ColourXIII. Conditions of the Appearance of ColourXIV. Conditions under which the Appearance of Colour increasesXV. Explanation of the foregoing PhenomenaXVI. Decrease of the Appearance of ColourXVII. Grey Objects displaced by RefractionXVIII. Coloured Objects displaced by RefractionXIX. Achromatism and HyperchromatismXX. Advantages of Subjective Experiments--Transition to the Objective Objective ExperimentsXXI. Refraction without the Appearance of ColourXXII. Conditions of the Appearance of ColourXXIII. Conditions of the Increase of ColourXXIV. Explanation of the foregoing PhenomenaXXV. Decrease of the Appearance of ColourXXVI. Grey ObjectsXXVII. Coloured ObjectsXXVIII. Achromatism and HyperchromatismXXIX. Combination of Subjective and Objective ExperimentsXXX. TransitionXXXI. Catoptrical ColoursXXXII. Paroptical ColoursXXXIII. Epoptical ColoursPart III. Chemical Colours.XXXIV. Chemical ContrastXXXV. WhiteXXXVI. BlackXXXVII. First Excitation of ColourXXXVIII. Augmentation of ColourXXXIX. CulminationXL. FluctuationXLI. Passage through the Whole ScaleXLII. InversionXLIII. FixationXLIV. Intermixture, RealXLV. Intermixture, ApparentXLVI. Communication, ActualXLVII. Communication, ApparentXLVIII. ExtractionXLIX. NomenclatureL. MineralsLI. PlantsLII. Worms, Insects, FishesLIII. BirdsLIV. Mammalia and Human BeingsLV. Physical and Chemical Effects of the Transmission of Light through Coloured MediumsLVI. Chemical Effect in Dioptrical AchromatismPart IV. General Characteristics.The Facility with which Colour appearsThe Definite Nature of ColourCombination of the Two PrinciplesAugmentation to RedJunction of the Two Augmented ExtremesCompleteness the Result of Variety in ColourHarmony of the Complete StateFacility with which Colour may be made to tend either to the Plus or Minus sideEvanescence of ColourPermanence of ColourPart V. Relation to Other Pursuits.Relation to PhilosophyRelation to MathematicsRelation to the Technical Operations of the DyerRelation to Physiology and PathologyRelation to Natural HistoryRelation to General PhysicsRelation to the Theory of MusicConcluding Observations on TerminologyPart VI. Effect of Colour with Reference to Moral Associations.YellowRed-YellowYellow-RedBlueRed-BlueBlue-RedRedGreenCompleteness and HarmonyCharacteristic CombinationsYellow and BlueYellow and RedBlue and RedYellow-Red and Blue-RedCombinations Non-CharacteristicRelation of the Combinations to Light and DarkConsiderations derived from the Evidence of Experience and HistoryÆsthetic InfluenceChiaro-ScuroTendency to ColourKeepingColouringColour in General NatureColour of Particular ObjectsCharacteristic ColouringHarmonious ColouringGenuine ToneFalse ToneWeak ColouringThe MotleyDread of TheoryUltimate AimGroundsPigmentsAllegorical, Symbolical, Mystical Application of ColourConcluding Observations
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