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Viser: Time Management for Dummies - UK

Time Management For Dummies - UK, 1. udgave
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Time Management For Dummies - UK Vital Source e-bog

Clare Evans
John Wiley & Sons
168,00 kr.
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Time Management for Dummies - UK

Time Management for Dummies - UK

Clare Evans
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
169,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Februar 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781119996293
If you’re finding yourself tied down by piles of paperwork, endless unanswered emails and thousands of to-do lists, then this is the book for you! Become a more efficient, effective and productive you with Time Management For Dummies- your one-stop guide to taking control of your life. Packed with hundreds of time-saving ideas, techniques and strategies, you’ll be able to: get on top of your workload, communicate effectively, make the most of your business meetings, organise your desk and files, prioritise and delegate well, and kick the procrastination habit. With tips on getting more out of your time away from your desk, maintaining a productive home office environment and still finding time to see to your finances, health and social life, these time management tools will leave you feeling in control of your life – at work and at home. Time Management For Dummies covers: What is Time Management? Getting Your Time in Order Organising The Work You Have To Do Working From Home The Bigger Picture
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 272 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (September 2008)
  • ISBN: 9780470777657
If you're finding yourself tied down by piles of paperwork, endless unanswered emails and thousands of to-do lists, then this is the book for you! Become a more efficient, effective and productive you with Time Management For Dummies- your one-stop guide to taking control of your life.

Packed with hundreds of time-saving ideas, techniques and strategies, you'll be able to: get on top of your workload, communicate effectively, make the most of your business meetings, organise your desk and files, prioritise and delegate well, and kick the procrastination habit. With tips on getting more out of your time away from your desk, maintaining a productive home office environment and still finding time to see to your finances, health and social life, these time management tools will leave you feeling in control of your life - at work and at home.

Time Management For Dummies covers:

  • What is Time Management?
  • Getting Your Time in Order
  • Organising The Work You Have To Do
  • Working From Home
  • The Bigger Picture
Introduction 1
Part I: What Is Time Management? 7
Chapter 1: Replacing Bad Time Habits with Good Ones 9
Chapter 2: Getting On with the Task in Hand 19
Part II: Getting Your Time in Order 43
Chapter 3: Putting Everything in Its Place 45
Chapter 4: Organising Your Time and Your Tasks 57
Chapter 5: Setting Your Boundaries 73
Part III: Organising the Work You Do 85
Chapter 6: Making the Most of Meetings 87
Chapter 7: Saving Time by Organising Your Paperwork 97
Chapter 8: Dealing with Your Emails 109
Chapter 9: Handling Phone Calls 119
Chapter 10: Dealing with Distractions and Interruptions 135
Chapter 11: Perfecting the Art of Delegation 145
Part IV: Working from Home 155
Chapter 12: Finding a Time-Efficient Work Style at Home 157
Chapter 13: Setting Up Your Home Office 167
Part V: Looking at the Bigger Picture 179
Chapter 14: Your Money or Your Life 181
Chapter 15: Looking After Yourself 191
Chapter 16: Taking Time for Fun and Friends 205
Part VI: The
Part of Tens 215
Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Be More Productive in Your Slack Time 217
Chapter 18: Ten Time-Saving Gadgets 225 Index 233
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