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Viser: American Empire - A Debate
American Empire Vital Source e-bog
Christopher Layne
American Empire
A Debate
Bradley A. Thayer og Christopher Layne
Sprog: Engelsk
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- 1. Udgave
- Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 160 sider
- Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (November 2006)
- ISBN: 9781135928421
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen
- Paperback: 160 sider
- Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (November 2006)
- Forfattere: Bradley A. Thayer og Christopher Layne
- ISBN: 9780415952040
In this short, accessible book Layne and Thayer argue the merits and demerits of an American empire. With few, if any, rivals to its supremacy, the United States has made an explicit commitment to maintaining and advancing its primacy in the world. But what exactly are the benefits of American hegemony and what are the costs and drawbacks for this fledgling empire? After making their best cases for and against an American empire, subsequent chapters allow both authors to respond to the major arguments presented by their opponents and present their own counter arguments.
2. The Case against the American Empire Christopher Layne
3. Reply to Christopher Layne: The Strength of the American Empire Bradley A. Thayer
4. Reply to Bradley A. Thayer: The Illusion of the American Empire Christopher Layne