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Viser: Organizational Behavior - Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organizations

Organizational Behavior, 6. udgave
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Organizational Behavior Vital Source e-bog

Joseph E. Champoux
Taylor & Francis
1.338,00 kr.
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Organizational Behavior - Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, 6. udgave

Organizational Behavior

Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organizations
Joseph E. Champoux
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
1.317,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (April 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781000033137
The new edition of this essential resource in organizational behavior provides a balanced framework to understand the impact of increasing dynamism and complexity, the importance of collaboration, and the implications for organizational strategy. Covering both psychological and sociological perspectives on organizational behavior, this clearly written and presented textbook offers a comprehensive review of classic organizational behavior theories and approaches, illustrated with updated case studies. The sixth edition includes new material on ethical considerations; international contexts, with renewed attention to Africa and Asia; environmental pressures and responses; groups and intergroup processes; and the vital importance of building change readiness in any organization. Upper-level business and technology students, as well as professionals in executive education courses, will find the book a useful guide to all facets of organizational behavior. A companion website, featuring an instructor manual, test bank, and PowerPoint slides, provides additional support for students and instructors.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Paperback: 536 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (April 2020)
  • ISBN: 9780367430047

The new edition of this essential resource in organizational behavior provides a balanced framework to understand the impact of increasing dynamism and complexity, the importance of collaboration, and the implications for organizational strategy.

Covering both psychological and sociological perspectives on organizational behavior, this clearly written and presented textbook offers a comprehensive review of classic organizational behavior theories and approaches, illustrated with updated case studies. The sixth edition includes new material on ethical considerations; international contexts, with renewed attention to Africa and Asia; environmental pressures and responses; groups and intergroup processes; and the vital importance of building change readiness in any organization.

Upper-level business and technology students, as well as professionals in executive education courses, will find the book a useful guide to all facets of organizational behavior.

A companion website, featuring an instructor manual, test bank, and PowerPoint slides, provides additional support for students and instructors.

Detailed Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments
Chapter 1: Introduction and Historical Background
Chapter 2: The Context of Modern Organizations (Diversity, Quality, Technology, International)
Chapter 3: Ethics and Behavior in Organizations
Chapter 4: Organizational Culture
Part 1 Case
Chapter 5: Perception, Attitudes, and Personality
Chapter 6: Organizational Socialization
Chapter 7: Motivation: Need Theories
Chapter 8: Motivation: Cognitive and Behavioral Theories and Techniques
Chapter 9: Job Design and Intrinsic Rewards
Part 2 Case
Part 3: Group and Interpersonal Processes in Organizations
Chapter 10: Groups and Intergroup Processes
Chapter 11: Conflict in Organizations
Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
Part 3 Case
Chapter 13: Communication Processes
Chapter 14: Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Processes
Chapter 15: Power and Political Behavior
Chapter 16: Stress in Organizations
Part 4 Case
Chapter 17: Organizational Design
Chapter 18: Organizational Change and Development
Part 5 Case Index
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