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Viser: Agile Product Management with Scrum

Agile Product Management with Scrum

Agile Product Management with Scrum

Roman Pichler
Sprog: Engelsk
Pearson Education, Limited
359,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 160 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson Education, Limited (April 2010)
  • ISBN: 9780321605788

The First Guide to Scrum-Based Agile Product Management

In Agile Product Management with Scrum, leading Scrum consultant Roman Pichler uses real-world examples to demonstrate how product owners can create successful products with Scrum. He describes a broad range of agile product management practices, including making agile product discovery work, taking advantage of emergent requirements, creating the minimal marketable product, leveraging early customer feedback, and working closely with the development team.

Benefitting from Pichler's extensive experience, you'll learn how Scrum product ownership differs from traditional product management and how to avoid and overcome the common challenges that Scrum product owners face.

Coverage includes

  • Understanding the product owner's role: what product owners do, how they do it, and the surprising implications
  • Envisioning the product: creating a compelling product vision to galvanize and guide the team and stakeholders
  • Grooming the product backlog: managing the product backlog effectively even for the most complex products
  • Planning the release: bringing clarity to scheduling, budgeting, and functionality decisions
  • Collaborating in sprint meetings: understanding the product owner's role in sprint meetings, including the dos and don'ts
  • Transitioning into product ownership: succeeding as a product owner and establishing the role in the enterprise

This book is an indispensable resource for anyone who works as a product owner, or expects to do so, as well as executives and coaches interested in establishing agile product management.

Foreword by Jeff Sutherland xv Foreword by Brett Queener xvii Preface xix Acknowledgments xxiii About the Author xxv
Chapter 1: Understanding the Product Owner Role 1 The Product Owner Role 2 Desirable Characteristics of a Product Owner 3 Working with the Team 7 Collaborating with the ScrumMaster 9 Working with Customers, Users, and Other Stakeholders 10 Scaling the Product Owner Role 12 Common Mistakes 16 Reflection 20
Chapter 2: Envisioning the Product 23 The Product Vision 24 Desirable Qualities of the Vision 25 The Minimal Marketable Product 27 Simplicity 31 Customer Needs and Product Attributes 33 The Birth of the Vision 35 Techniques for Creating the Vision 37 Visioning and the Product Road Map 41 Minimal Products and Product Variants 42 Common Mistakes 43 Reflection 46
Chapter 3: Working with the Product Backlog 47 The DEEP Qualities of the Product Backlog 48 Grooming the Product Backlog 49 Discovering and Describing Items 51 Prioritizing the Product Backlog 54 Getting Ready for Sprint Planning 59 Sizing Items 64 Dealing with Nonfunctional Requirements 68 Scaling the Product Backlog 70 Common Mistakes 71 Reflection 74
Chapter 4: Planning the Release 75 Time, Cost, and Functionality 76 Quality Is Frozen 78 Early and Frequent Releases 79 Quarterly Cycles 81 Velocity 82 The Release Burndown 83 The Release Plan 87 Release Planning on Large Projects 91 Common Mistakes 94 Reflection 96
Chapter 5: Collaborating in the Sprint Meetings 97 Sprint Planning 98 Definition of Done 99 Daily Scrum 100 Sprint Backlog and Sprint Burndown 101 Sprint Review 101 Sprint Retrospective 103 Sprint Meetings on Large Projects 104 Common Mistakes 107 Reflection 109
Chapter 6: Transitioning into the Product Owner Role 111 Becoming a Great Product Owner 111 Developing Great Product Owners 115 Reflection 118 References 119 Index 125
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