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Viser: Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions

Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions
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Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions Vital Source e-bog

Alain Aspect
University of Chicago Press
185,00 kr.
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Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions

Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions

Alain Aspect, David Kaiser og Teresa Lavender Fagan
Sprog: Engelsk
University of Chicago Press
172,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: University of Chicago Press (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780226832029
A Nobel laureate offers a brief lesson on physics’ biggest mystery, accessibly explaining the two quantum revolutions that changed our understanding of reality.   At the start of the twentieth century, the first quantum revolution upset our vision of the world. New physics offered surprising realities, such as wave-particle duality, and led to major inventions: the transistor, the laser, and today’s computers. Less known is the second quantum revolution, arguably initiated in 1935 during a debate between giants Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. This revolution is still unfolding. Its revolutionaries—including the author of this short accessible book, Nobel Prize–winning physicist Alain Aspect—explore the notion of entangled particles, able to interact at seemingly impossible distances. Aspect’s research has helped to show how entanglement may both upend existing technologies, like cryptography, and usher in entirely new ones, like quantum computing. Explaining this physics of the future, this work tells a story of how philosophical debates can shape new realities.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 112 sider
  • Udgiver: University of Chicago Press (Oktober 2024)
  • Forfattere: Alain Aspect, David Kaiser og Teresa Lavender Fagan
  • ISBN: 9780226832012
A Nobel laureate offers a brief lesson on physics' biggest mystery, accessibly explaining the two quantum revolutions that changed our understanding of reality.


At the start of the twentieth century, the first quantum revolution upset our vision of the world. New physics offered surprising realities, such as wave-particle duality, and led to major inventions: the transistor, the laser, and today's computers. Less known is the second quantum revolution, arguably initiated in 1935 during a debate between giants Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. This revolution is still unfolding. Its revolutionaries--including the author of this short accessible book, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Alain Aspect--explore the notion of entangled particles, able to interact at seemingly impossible distances. Aspect's research has helped to show how entanglement may both upend existing technologies, like cryptography, and usher in entirely new ones, like quantum computing. Explaining this physics of the future, this work tells a story of how philosophical debates can shape new realities.
Foreword by David Kaiser Two Quantum Revolutions The First Quantum Revolution Wave-Particle Duality The Success of the First Quantum Revolution The Second Quantum Revolution Entanglement Measurement Experiments The Manipulation of Quantum Objects Quantum Information Quantum Cryptography In Search of the Limit About the Author
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