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Viser: Evolutionary Patterns - Growth, Form, and Tempo in the Fossil Record

Evolutionary Patterns - Growth, Form, and Tempo in the Fossil Record

Evolutionary Patterns

Growth, Form, and Tempo in the Fossil Record
Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Scott Lidgard og Frank K. McKinney
Sprog: Engelsk
University of Chicago Press
1.648,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 344 sider
  • Udgiver: University of Chicago Press (August 2001)
  • Forfattere: Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Scott Lidgard og Frank K. McKinney
  • ISBN: 9780226389301
With all the recent advances in molecular and evolutionary biology, one could almost wonder why we need the fossil record. Molecular sequence data can resolve taxonomic relationships, experiments with fruit flies demonstrate evolution and development in real time, and field studies of Galapagos finches have provided the strongest evidence for natural selection ever measured in the wild. What, then, can fossils teach us that living organisms cannot?

Evolutionary Patterns demonstrates the rich variety of clues to evolution that can be gleaned from the fossil record. Chief among these are the major trends and anomalies in species development revealed only by "deep time," such as periodic mass extinctions and species that remain unchanged in form for millions of years. Contributors explore modes of development, the tempo of speciation and extinction, and macroevolutionary patterns and trends. The result is an important contribution to paleobiology and evolutionary biology, and a spirited defense of the fossil record as a crucial tool for understanding evolution and development.

The contributors are Ann F. Budd, Efstathia Bura, Leo W. Buss, Mike Foote, Jörn Geister, Stephen Jay Gould, Eckart Hâkansson, Jean-Georges Harmelin, Lee-Ann C. Hayek, Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Kenneth G. Johnson, Nancy Knowlton, Scott Lidgard, Frank K. McKinney, Daniel W. McShea, Ross H. Nehm, Beth Okamura, John M. Pandolfi, Paul D. Taylor, and Erik Thomsen.
Part 1. Modes of Development, Hierarchies of Morphological Organization, and the Adaptive Significance of Colony Form 1 Growth by Intussusception in Hydractiniid Hydroids 2 Parts and Integration: Consequences of Hierarchy 3 Refuges Revisited: Enemies versus Flow and Feeding as Determinants of Sessile Animal Distribution and Form
Part 2.Recognition of Species, and the Tempo of Speciation and Extinction 4 Recognizing Coral Species Present and Past 5 Geologically Sudden Extinction of Two Widespread Late Pleistocene Caribbean Reef Corals 6 Linking Macroevolutionary Pattern and Developmental Process in Marginellid Gastropods 7 The Interrelationship of Speciation and Punctuated Equilibrium
Part 3.Macroevolutionary Patterns and Trends 8 On the Ends of the Taxon Range Problem 9 Evolutionary Rates and the Age Distribution of Living and Extinct Taxa 10 Contrasting Patterns in Rare and Abundant Species during Evolutionary Turnover 11 Asexual Propagation in Cheilostome Bryozoa: Evolutionary Trends in a Major Groups of Colonial Animals 12 Macroevolutionary Trends: Perception Depends on the Measure Used List of Contributors Index
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