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Viser: Atkins' Physical Chemistry

Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 10. udgave

Atkins' Physical Chemistry

Peter Atkins og Julio de Paula
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
717,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 10. Udgave
  • Undefined: 1040 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (August 2018)
  • Forfattere: Peter Atkins og Julio de Paula
  • ISBN: 9780199697403
The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make the tenth edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. Material within chapters has been radically reorganised into discrete topics, to give the text an inviting modular feel. This restructuring increases the digestibility of the text for students, while making it more flexible for lecturers to teach from. The extensive learning support provided throughout the book now includes new checklists of key concepts at the end of each topic, to reinforce the main take-home messages in each section. The mathematics support for students has also been significantly expanded, with the addition of new Chemist's toolkit boxes, which provide useful reminders of essential mathematical concepts and techniques. The coupling of the broad coverage of the subject with a structure and use of pedagogy that is even more innovative will ensure Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry.

Part 1: Thermodynamics
1. The properties of gases
2. The First Law
3. The Second and Third Laws
4. Physical transformations of pure substances
5. Simple mixtures
6. Chemical equilibriumPart 2: Structure
7. Introduction to quantum theory
8. The quantum theory of motion
9. Atomic structure and spectra
10. Molecular structure
11. Molecular symmetry
12. Rotational and vibrational spectra
13. Electronic transitions
14. Magnetic resonance
15. Statistical thermodynamics
16. Molecular interactions
17. Macromolecules and self-assembly
18. SolidsPart 3: Change
19. Molecular motion
20. Chemical kinetics
21. Reaction dynamics
22. Processes on surfaces
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