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Viser: The Nature of Computation

The Nature of Computation

The Nature of Computation Vital Source e-bog

Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
Oxford University Press
399,00 kr.
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The Nature of Computation

The Nature of Computation Vital Source e-bog

Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
Oxford University Press
352,00 kr.
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The Nature of Computation

The Nature of Computation Vital Source e-bog

Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
Oxford University Press
678,00 kr.
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The Nature of Computation
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The Nature of Computation Vital Source e-bog

Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
Oxford University Press
541,00 kr.
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The Nature of Computation

The Nature of Computation

Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
1.132,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (August 2011)
  • Forfattere: Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
  • ISBN: 9780191552762R365
Computational complexity is one of the most beautiful fields of modern mathematics, and it is increasingly relevant to other sciences ranging from physics to biology. But this beauty is often buried underneath layers of unnecessary formalism, and exciting recent results like interactive proofs, phase transitions, and quantum computing are usually considered too advanced for the typical student. This book bridges these gaps by explaining the deep ideas of theoretical computer science in a clear and enjoyable fashion, making them accessible to non-computer scientists and to computer scientists who finally want to appreciate their field from a new point of view. The authors start with a lucid and playful explanation of the P vs. NP problem, explaining why it is so fundamental, and so hard to resolve. They then lead the reader through the complexity of mazes and games; optimization in theory and practice; randomized algorithms, interactive proofs, and pseudorandomness; Markov chains and phase transitions; and the outer reaches of quantum computing. At every turn, they use a minimum of formalism, providing explanations that are both deep and accessible. The book is intended for graduate and undergraduate students, scientists from other areas who have long wanted to understand this subject, and experts who want to fall in love with this field all over again.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (August 2011)
  • Forfattere: Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
  • ISBN: 9780191552762R180
Computational complexity is one of the most beautiful fields of modern mathematics, and it is increasingly relevant to other sciences ranging from physics to biology. But this beauty is often buried underneath layers of unnecessary formalism, and exciting recent results like interactive proofs, phase transitions, and quantum computing are usually considered too advanced for the typical student. This book bridges these gaps by explaining the deep ideas of theoretical computer science in a clear and enjoyable fashion, making them accessible to non-computer scientists and to computer scientists who finally want to appreciate their field from a new point of view. The authors start with a lucid and playful explanation of the P vs. NP problem, explaining why it is so fundamental, and so hard to resolve. They then lead the reader through the complexity of mazes and games; optimization in theory and practice; randomized algorithms, interactive proofs, and pseudorandomness; Markov chains and phase transitions; and the outer reaches of quantum computing. At every turn, they use a minimum of formalism, providing explanations that are both deep and accessible. The book is intended for graduate and undergraduate students, scientists from other areas who have long wanted to understand this subject, and experts who want to fall in love with this field all over again.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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  • Vital Source 1460 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (August 2011)
  • Forfattere: Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
  • ISBN: 9780191552762R1460
Computational complexity is one of the most beautiful fields of modern mathematics, and it is increasingly relevant to other sciences ranging from physics to biology. But this beauty is often buried underneath layers of unnecessary formalism, and exciting recent results like interactive proofs, phase transitions, and quantum computing are usually considered too advanced for the typical student. This book bridges these gaps by explaining the deep ideas of theoretical computer science in a clear and enjoyable fashion, making them accessible to non-computer scientists and to computer scientists who finally want to appreciate their field from a new point of view. The authors start with a lucid and playful explanation of the P vs. NP problem, explaining why it is so fundamental, and so hard to resolve. They then lead the reader through the complexity of mazes and games; optimization in theory and practice; randomized algorithms, interactive proofs, and pseudorandomness; Markov chains and phase transitions; and the outer reaches of quantum computing. At every turn, they use a minimum of formalism, providing explanations that are both deep and accessible. The book is intended for graduate and undergraduate students, scientists from other areas who have long wanted to understand this subject, and experts who want to fall in love with this field all over again.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 1460 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 1460 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (August 2011)
  • Forfattere: Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
  • ISBN: 9780191552762
Computational complexity is one of the most beautiful fields of modern mathematics, and it is increasingly relevant to other sciences ranging from physics to biology. But this beauty is often buried underneath layers of unnecessary formalism, and exciting recent results like interactive proofs, phase transitions, and quantum computing are usually considered too advanced for the typical student. This book bridges these gaps by explaining the deep ideas of theoretical computer science in a clear and enjoyable fashion, making them accessible to non-computer scientists and to computer scientists who finally want to appreciate their field from a new point of view. The authors start with a lucid and playful explanation of the P vs. NP problem, explaining why it is so fundamental, and so hard to resolve. They then lead the reader through the complexity of mazes and games; optimization in theory and practice; randomized algorithms, interactive proofs, and pseudorandomness; Markov chains and phase transitions; and the outer reaches of quantum computing. At every turn, they use a minimum of formalism, providing explanations that are both deep and accessible. The book is intended for graduate and undergraduate students, scientists from other areas who have long wanted to understand this subject, and experts who want to fall in love with this field all over again.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 4 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 1008 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Februar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Cristopher Moore og Stephan Mertens
  • ISBN: 9780199233212
Computational complexity is one of the most beautiful fields of modern mathematics, and it is increasingly relevant to other sciences ranging from physics to biology. But this beauty is often buried underneath layers of unnecessary formalism, and exciting recent results like interactive proofs, phase transitions, and quantum computing are usually considered too advanced for the typical student. This book bridges these gaps by explaining the deep ideas of theoretical computer science in a clear and enjoyable fashion, making them accessible to non-computer scientists and to computer scientists who finally want to appreciate their field from a new point of view. The authors start with a lucid and playful explanation of the P vs. NP problem, explaining why it is so fundamental, and so hard to resolve. They then lead the reader through the complexity of mazes and games; optimization in theory and practice; randomized algorithms, interactive proofs, and pseudorandomness; Markov chains and phase transitions; and the outer reaches of quantum computing. At every turn, they use a minimum of formalism, providing explanations that are both deep and accessible. The book is intended for graduate and undergraduate students, scientists from other areas who have long wanted to understand this subject, and experts who want to fall in love with this field all over again.
1. Prologue2. The Basics3. Insights and Algorithms4. Needles in a Haystack: The class NP5. Who is the Hardest One of All: NP-Completeness6. The Deep Question: P vs. NP7. Memory, Paths and games8. Grand Unified Theory of Computation9. Simply the Best: Optimization10. The Power of Randomness11. Random Walks and Rapid Mixing12. Counting, Sampling, and Statistical Physics13. When Formulas Freeze: Phase Transitions in Computation14. Quantum Computing15. Epilogue16. Appendix: Mathematical Tools
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