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Viser: Excitons and Cooper Pairs - Two Composite Bosons in Many-Body Physics

Excitons and Cooper Pairs - Two Composite Bosons in Many-Body Physics

Excitons and Cooper Pairs

Two Composite Bosons in Many-Body Physics
Monique Combescot og Shiue-Yuan Shiau
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
599,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Aug 2024.

Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (August 2024)
  • Forfattere: Monique Combescot og Shiue-Yuan Shiau
  • ISBN: 9780198914716
This book bridges a gap between two major communities of Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconductors and Superconductors, that have thrived independently. Using an original perspective that the key particles of these materials, excitons and Cooper pairs, are composite bosons, the authors raise fundamental questions of current interest: how does the Pauli exclusion principle wield its power on the fermionic components of bosonic particles at a microscopic level and how this affects their macroscopic physics? What can we learn from Wannier and Frenkel excitons and from Cooper pairs that helps us understand "bosonic condensation" of composite bosons and its difference from Bose-Einstein condensation of elementary bosons? The authors begin with a solid mathematical and physical foundation to derive excitons and Cooper pairs. They further introduce Shiva diagrams as a graphic support to grasp the many-body physics induced by fermion exchange in the absence of fermion-fermion interaction - a novel mechanism not visualized by standard Feynman diagrams. Advanced undergraduate or graduate students in physics with no specific background will benefit from this book. The developed concepts and formalism should also be useful for current research on ultracold atomic gases and exciton-polaritons, and quantum information.
1. IntroductionPart I: Excitons2. The Exciton Concept3. Wannier Excitons4. Frenkel Excitons5. Elementary Bosons, Wannier and Frenkel Excitons, and Frenkel ExcitonsPart II: Cooper Pairs6. The Cooper Pair Problem7. The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Approach8. The Bogoliubov Approach9. The Gorkov Approach10. Richardsib-Gaudin Exact Solution11. Links Between Cooper Pairs and ExcitonsPart III: Particles Related to Excitons12. Trions, Biexcitons and Polaritons13. Trions14. Biexcitons15. PolaritonsPart IV: Bosonic Condensation16. From Elementary Composite Boson Condensates17. Elementary Bosons18. Composite Fermions19. Composite BosonsAppendix A
: Some Mathematical ResultsA.1. The Kronecker symbol and delta functionA.2. Fourier transform and series expansionA.3. Coulomb scatteringsAppendix B
: The Second Quantization FormalismAppendix C
: The Hamiltonian for Wannier ExcitonsC.1. The semiconductor Hamiltonian in first quantizationC.2. Bloch statesC.3. The semiconductor Hamiltonian on the Bloch basisAppendix D
: The Valence Electron Operator Versus the Hole OperatorD.1. Valence electron absenceD.2. Spin 1/2D.3. l=1 orbital momentumAppendix E
: "The Coboson Bible"Appendix F
: Direct Coulomb Scattering for Wannier ExcitonsF.1. Creation potentialF.2. Direct Coulomb scatteringF.3. Symmetry propertiesAppendix G
: Concerning N Ground-State Wannier ExcitonsG.1. Normalization factorG.2. Hamiltonian mean valueAppendix H
: Photon-Semiconductor InteractionH.1. Electromagnetic field in vacuumH.2. The electron Hamiltonian in a photon fieldH.3. Linear CouplingH.4. Quadratic couplingH.5. Complex polarization vectorsAppendix I
: Photon-Exciton InteractionI.1. Photon-exciton couplingI.2. The sum rule between photon-exciton couplingsReferencesIndex
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