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Viser: Sense and Nonsense - Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour

Sense and Nonsense - Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour, 3. udgave

Sense and Nonsense

Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour
Gillian R. Brown og Kevin N. Lala
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press, Incorporated
483,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Mar 2025.

Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press, Incorporated (Marts 2025)
  • Forfattere: Gillian R. Brown og Kevin N. Lala
  • ISBN: 9780198908203
Evolutionary theory is one of the most wide-ranging and inspiring scientific ideas, and it offers a battery of methods that can be used to interpret human behaviour. However, researchers disagree about the best ways to use evolution to explore humanity, and a number of schools of thought have emerged.

Sense and Nonsense, third edition, provides an introduction to the ideas, methods and findings of five such schools, namely sociobiology, human behavioural ecology, evolutionary psychology, cultural evolution and gene-culture coevolution. In this revised and updated edition of their successful monograph, Brown and Lala provide a balanced and rigorous analysis that scrutinises both the evolutionary arguments and the allegations of the critics, carefully guiding the reader through the mire of confusing terminology, claim, and counter-claim, and polemical statements.

This readable and informative introductory book will be of use to undergraduate and postgraduate students (for example in psychology, anthropology and zoology), as well as experts on one approach who would like to know more about the other perspectives and lay-persons interested in evolutionary explanations of human behaviour. Having completed the book, the reader will feel better placed to assess the legitimacy of claims made about human behaviour under the name of evolution and to make judgements as to what is sense and what is nonsense.
1. Sense and nonsense2. A history of evolution and human behaviour3. Human sociobiology4. Human Behavioural Ecology5. Evolutionary Psychology6. Cultural Evolution7. Gene-Culture Coevolution8. Comparing and integrating approaches
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