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Viser: Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures

Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures, 1. udgave

Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures Vital Source e-bog

Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
Oxford University Press
631,00 kr.
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Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures, 1. udgave
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Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures Vital Source e-bog

Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
Oxford University Press
971,00 kr.
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Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures, 1. udgave

Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures Vital Source e-bog

Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
Oxford University Press
728,00 kr.
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Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures

Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures

Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
1.449,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
  • ISBN: 9780191023965R180
Conditioning of magnetic fields is a novel route to improve type-II superconductor performance in high-current and high-field applications directed at increasing the current-carrying capability and the critical fields of superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures, as well as reducing their hysteretic AC loss. Through a methodical analysis and noteworthy solutions, Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures presents a phenomenological account of the remarkable electromagnetic properties of superconductor paramagnet heterostructures, as captured by Maxwell's electrodynamics, generalized London theory, and Bean's model of the critical state. Beginning with the introduction of the basic concepts of superconductivity which are necessary for understanding of the following studies, exact closed-form solutions are revealed for a range of idealized heterostructures. Investigations of the superconductor constituents primarily focus on strips or tapes, filaments and tubes, with a transport current imposed or a magnetic field applied. Geometrical as well as materials aspects of both the magnetic shielding effect and the hysteretic AC loss undergo detailed analysis which permits identification of the conditions for non-dissipative critical, or even overcritical, states to exist. Crucial issues such as the barrier against the penetration of magnetic flux at superconductor/paramagnet interfaces or the nucleation of magnetic vortex loops equally find their place. Finally, based on the magnetostatic-electrostatic analogues, the finite-element simulations of the Meissner state and the critical state of thin superconductors in paramagnetic environments of arbitrary shape and permeability are performed. This presents an effective tool for designing superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
  • ISBN: 9780191023965
Conditioning of magnetic fields is a novel route to improve type-II superconductor performance in high-current and high-field applications directed at increasing the current-carrying capability and the critical fields of superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures, as well as reducing their hysteretic AC loss. Through a methodical analysis and noteworthy solutions, Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures presents a phenomenological account of the remarkable electromagnetic properties of superconductor paramagnet heterostructures, as captured by Maxwell's electrodynamics, generalized London theory, and Bean's model of the critical state. Beginning with the introduction of the basic concepts of superconductivity which are necessary for understanding of the following studies, exact closed-form solutions are revealed for a range of idealized heterostructures. Investigations of the superconductor constituents primarily focus on strips or tapes, filaments and tubes, with a transport current imposed or a magnetic field applied. Geometrical as well as materials aspects of both the magnetic shielding effect and the hysteretic AC loss undergo detailed analysis which permits identification of the conditions for non-dissipative critical, or even overcritical, states to exist. Crucial issues such as the barrier against the penetration of magnetic flux at superconductor/paramagnet interfaces or the nucleation of magnetic vortex loops equally find their place. Finally, based on the magnetostatic-electrostatic analogues, the finite-element simulations of the Meissner state and the critical state of thin superconductors in paramagnetic environments of arbitrary shape and permeability are performed. This presents an effective tool for designing superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures.
Licens varighed:
Online udgaven er tilgængelig: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Offline udgaven er tilgængelig: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
  • ISBN: 9780191023965R365
Conditioning of magnetic fields is a novel route to improve type-II superconductor performance in high-current and high-field applications directed at increasing the current-carrying capability and the critical fields of superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures, as well as reducing their hysteretic AC loss. Through a methodical analysis and noteworthy solutions, Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures presents a phenomenological account of the remarkable electromagnetic properties of superconductor paramagnet heterostructures, as captured by Maxwell's electrodynamics, generalized London theory, and Bean's model of the critical state. Beginning with the introduction of the basic concepts of superconductivity which are necessary for understanding of the following studies, exact closed-form solutions are revealed for a range of idealized heterostructures. Investigations of the superconductor constituents primarily focus on strips or tapes, filaments and tubes, with a transport current imposed or a magnetic field applied. Geometrical as well as materials aspects of both the magnetic shielding effect and the hysteretic AC loss undergo detailed analysis which permits identification of the conditions for non-dissipative critical, or even overcritical, states to exist. Crucial issues such as the barrier against the penetration of magnetic flux at superconductor/paramagnet interfaces or the nucleation of magnetic vortex loops equally find their place. Finally, based on the magnetostatic-electrostatic analogues, the finite-element simulations of the Meissner state and the critical state of thin superconductors in paramagnetic environments of arbitrary shape and permeability are performed. This presents an effective tool for designing superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Print: 2 sider kan printes ad gangen
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 320 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Februar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Yuri Genenko og Hermann Rauh
  • ISBN: 9780198714576
Conditioning of magnetic fields is a novel route to improve type-II superconductor performance in high-current and high-field applications directed at increasing the current-carrying capability and the critical fields of superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures, as well as reducing their hysteretic AC loss.

Through a methodical analysis and noteworthy solutions, Electromagnetics of Superconductor/Paramagnet Heterostructures presents a phenomenological account of the remarkable electromagnetic properties of superconductor paramagnet heterostructures, as captured by Maxwell's electrodynamics, generalized London theory, and Bean's model of the critical state. Beginning with the introduction of the basic concepts of superconductivity which are necessary for understanding of the following studies, exact closed-form solutions are revealed for a range of idealized heterostructures.

Investigations of the superconductor constituents primarily focus on strips or tapes, filaments and tubes, with a transport current imposed or a magnetic field applied. Geometrical as well as materials aspects of both the magnetic shielding effect and the hysteretic AC loss undergo detailed analysis which permits identification of the conditions for non-dissipative critical, or even overcritical, states to exist. Crucial issues such as the barrier against the penetration of magnetic flux at superconductor/paramagnet interfaces or the nucleation of magnetic vortex loops equally find their place.

Finally, based on the magnetostatic-electrostatic analogues, the finite-element simulations of the Meissner state and the critical state of thin superconductors in paramagnetic environments of arbitrary shape and permeability are performed. This presents an effective tool for designing superconductor/paramagnet heterostructures.
1. Introduction2. Phenomenological concepts in superconductivity3. Meissner state of a superconductor strip in ideal paramagnetic environments4. Critical state of a superconductor strip in ideal paramagnetic environments5. Meissner state and critical state of a superconductor strip in ideal diamagnetic environments6. Meissner state of thin superconductors in non-ideal paramagnetic environments7. Critical characteristics of bulk superconductors in non-ideal paramagnetic environments8. Meissner state and critical state of thin superconductors in arbitrary paramagnetic environments: finite-element simulations9. EpilogueAppendix A. Magnetic dipole moment of supercurrent distributions in paramagnetic environmentsAppendix B. Electromagnetic energy associated with magnetic vortices in superconductor/paramagnet heterostructuresReferencesAuthor indexSubject index
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