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Viser: Oxford AQA International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics

Oxford International AQA Examinations: International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics, 1. udgave

Oxford International AQA Examinations: International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics Vital Source e-bog

John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
Oxford University Press
419,00 kr.
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Oxford International AQA Examinations: International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics, 1. udgave

Oxford International AQA Examinations: International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics Vital Source e-bog

John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
Oxford University Press
315,00 kr.
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Oxford International AQA Examinations: International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics, 1. udgave

Oxford International AQA Examinations: International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics Vital Source e-bog

John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
Oxford University Press
210,00 kr.
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Oxford AQA International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics

Oxford AQA International A Level Further Mathematics with Mechanics

John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
552,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 1460 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2016)
  • Forfattere: John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
  • ISBN: 9780198411369R1460
The only textbook that fully supports the pure and mechanics parts of the Oxford AQA International AS & A Level Further Mathematics specification (9665), for first teaching in September 2017. Written by experienced authors, the rigorous, international approach ensures advanced mathematical understanding and challenges your most able students. This textbook helps students to develop the complex mathematical, reasoning and problem solving skills needed for the Oxford AQA International A Level exams and provides an excellent grounding for university study.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 1460 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 1460 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2016)
  • Forfattere: John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
  • ISBN: 9780198411369R365
The only textbook that fully supports the pure and mechanics parts of the Oxford AQA International AS & A Level Further Mathematics specification (9665), for first teaching in September 2017. Written by experienced authors, the rigorous, international approach ensures advanced mathematical understanding and challenges your most able students. This textbook helps students to develop the complex mathematical, reasoning and problem solving skills needed for the Oxford AQA International A Level exams and provides an excellent grounding for university study.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2016)
  • Forfattere: John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
  • ISBN: 9780198411369R180
The only textbook that fully supports the pure and mechanics parts of the Oxford AQA International AS & A Level Further Mathematics specification (9665), for first teaching in September 2017. Written by experienced authors, the rigorous, international approach ensures advanced mathematical understanding and challenges your most able students. This textbook helps students to develop the complex mathematical, reasoning and problem solving skills needed for the Oxford AQA International A Level exams and provides an excellent grounding for university study.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 480 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: John Rayneau, Mark Gaulter, Brian Gaulter og Brian Jefferson
  • ISBN: 9780198376002
The only textbook that fully supports the pure and mechanics parts of the Oxford AQA International AS and A Level Further Mathematics specification (9665), for first teaching in September 2017. Written by experienced authors, the rigorous, international approach ensures advanced mathematical understanding and challenges your most able students. This textbook helps students to develop the complex mathematical, reasoning and problem solving skills needed for the Oxford AQA International A Level exams and provides an excellent grounding for university study.
1. Loci, Graphs and Algebra2. Complex Numbers3. Roots and Coefficients of a Quadratic Equation4. Series5. Trigonometry6. Calculus7. Matrices and Transformations8. Linear graphs9. Numerical Methods10. Bayes' Theorem11. Discrete Uniform and Geometric Distributions12. Probability Generating Functions13. Linear Combinations of Discrete Random Variables14. Constant Velocity in Two Dimensions15. Dimensional Analysis16. Collision in One Dimension17. Roots and Polynomials18. Proof by Induction and Finite Series19. Series and Limits20. De Moivre's Theorem21. Polar Coordinates22. The Calculus of Inverse Trigonometric Functions23. Arc Length and Area of Surface of Revolution24. Hyperbolic Functions25. Differential Equations of First and Second Order26. Vectors and Three-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry27. Solutions of Linear Equations28. Matrix Algebra29. Vertical Circular Motion30. Collisions in Two Dimensions31. Projectiles Launched onto Inclined Planes32. Elastic Strings and Springs33. Application of Differential Equations34. Simple Harmonic MotionAnswers
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