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A Level Biology a for OCR - Student Book

A Level Biology a for OCR

Student Book
Ann Fullick, Jo Locke, Paul Bircher og Ann Fullick
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
699,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 720 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (September 2015)
  • Forfattere: Ann Fullick, Jo Locke, Paul Bircher og Ann Fullick
  • ISBN: 9780198351924
Written by curriculum and specification experts, this Student Book supports and extends students through the new linear course while delivering the breadth, depth, and skills needed to succeed in the new A Levels and beyond. It develops real subject knowledge as well as essential exam skills.
Module 1 Development of practical skills in BiologyModule 2 Foundations in BiologyChapter 22.1: Microscopy2.2: Magnification and calibration2.3: More microscopy2.4: Eukaryotic cell structure2.5: The ultrastructure of plant cells2.6: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellsChapter 2 Practice questionsChapter 3 Biological Molecules3.1: Biological elements3.2: Water3.3: Carbohydrates3.4: Testing for carbohydrates3.5: Lipids3.6: Structure of proteins3.7: Types of proteins3.8: Nucleic acids3.9: DNA replication and the genetic code3.10: Protein synthesis3.11: ATPChapter 3 Practice questionsChapter 4 Enzymes4.1: Enzyme action4.2: Factors affecting enzyme activity4.3: Enzyme inhibitors4.4: Cofactors, coenqymes, and prosthetic groupsChapter 4 Practice questionsChapter 5 Plasma membranes5.1: The structure and function of membranes5.2: Factors affecting membrane structure5.3: Diffusion5.4: Active transport5.5: OsmosisChapter 5 Practice questionsChapter 6 Cell division6.1: The cell cycle6.2: Mitosis6.3: Meiosis6.4: The organisation and specialisation of cells6.5: Stem cellsChapter 6 Practice questionsModule 2 summaryModule 2 practice questionsModule 3 Exchange and transportModule 3 IntroductionChapter 7 Exchange surfaces and breathing7.1: Specialised exchange surfaces7.2: The mammalian gaseous exchange system7.3: Measuring the process7.4: Ventilation and gas exchange inother organismsChapter 7 Practice questionsChapter 8 Transport in animals8.1: Transport systems in multicellular animals8.2: Blood vessels8.3: Blood, tissue fluid, and lymph8.4: Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood8.5: The heartChapter 8 Practice questionsChatper 9 Transport in plants9.1: Transport systems in dicotyledonous plants9.2: Water transport in multicellular plants9.3: Transpiration9.4: Translocation9.5: Plant adaptations to water availabilityChapter 9 Practice questionsModule 3 summaryModule 3 practice questionsModule 4 Biodiversity, evolution and diseaseModule 4 introductionChapter 10 Classification and evolution10.1: Classification10.2: The five kingdoms10.3: Phylogeny10.4: Evidence for evolution10.5: Types of variation10.6: Representing variation graphically10.7: Adaptations10.8: Changing population characteristicsChapter 10 practice questionsChapter 11 Biodiversity11.1: Biodiversity11.2: Types of sampling11.3: Sampling techniques11.4: Calculating biodiversity11.5: Calculating genetic biodiversity11.5: Factors affecting biodiversity11.7: Reasons for maintaining biodiversity11.8: Methods of maintaining biodiversityChapter 11 practice questionsChapter 12 Communicable diseases12.1: Animal and plant pathogens12.2: Animal and plant diseases12.3: The transmission of communicable diseases12.4: Plant defences against pathogens12.5: Non-specific animal defences against pathogens12.6: The specific immune system12.7: Preventing and treating diseaseChapter 12 practice questionsModule 4 summaryModule 4 practice questionsModule 5 Communication, homeostasis, and energyChapter 13 Neuronal communicationChapter 13 Neuronal communication13.1: Coordination13.2: Neurones13.3: Sensory receptors13.4: Nervous transmission13.5: Synapses13.6: Organisation of the nervous system13.7: Structure and function of the brain13.8: Reflexes13.9: Voluntary and involuntary muscles13.10: Sliding filament modelChapter 13 Practice questionsChapter 14 Hormonal communication14.1: Hormonal communication14.2: Structure and function of the pancreas14.3: Regulation of blood glucose concentration14.4: Diabetes and its control14.5: Coordinated responses14.6: Controlling heart rateChapter 14 Practice questionsChapter 15 Homeostasis15.1: The principles of homeostasis15.2: Thermoregulation in ectotherms15.3: Thermoregulation in endotherms15.4: Excretion, homeostasis, and the liver15.5: The structure and function of the mammalian kidney15.6: The kidney and osmoregulation15.7: Urine and diagnosis15.8: Kidney failureChapter 15 Practice questionsChapter 16 Plant responses16.1: Plant hormones and growth in platns16.2: Plant responses to abiotic stress16.3: Plant response to herbivory16.4: Tropisms in plants16.5: The commercial use of plant hormonesChapter 16 Practice questionsChapter 17 Energy for biological processes17.1: Energy cycles17.2: ATP synthesis17.3: Photosynthesis17.4: Factors affecting photosynthesisChapter 17 Practice questionsChapter 18 Respiration18.1: Glycolysis18.2: Linking glycolysis and the Krebs cycle18.3: The Kreb cycle18.4: Oxidative phosphorylation18.5: Aerobic respiration18.6: Respiratory substratesChapter 18 Practice questionsModule 5 summaryModule 5 questionsModule 6 Genetics, evolution, and ecosystemsChapter 19 Genetics of living systems19.1: Mutations and variation19.2: Control of gene expression19.3: Body plansChapter 19 Practice questionsChapter 20 Patterns of inheritance and variation20.1: Variation and inheritance20.2: Monogenic inheritance20.3: Dihybrid inheritance20.4: Phenotypic ratios20.5: Evolution20.6: Speciation and artifical selectionChapter 20 Practice questionsChapter 21 Manipulating genomes21.1: DNA profiling21.2: DNA sequencing and analysis21.3: Using DNA sequencing21.4: Genetic engineering21.5: Gene technology and ethicsChapter 21 Practice questionsChapter 22 Cloing and biotechnology22.1: Natural cloning in plants22.2: Artificial cloning in plants21.4: Cloning in animals22.4: Microorganisms and biotechnology22.5: Microorganisms, medicines, and bioremediation22.6: Culturing microorganisms in the laboratory22.7: Culturing microorganisms on an industrial scale22.8: Using immobilised enzymesChapter 22 Practice questionsChapter 23 Ecosystems23.1: Ecosystems23.2: Biomass transfer through an ecosystem23.3: Recycling within ecosystems23.4: Succession23.5: Measuring the distribution and abundance of organismsChapter 23 Practice questionsChapter 24 Populations and sustainability24.1: Population size24.2: Competition24.3: PredatorDSprey relationships24.4: Conservation and preservation24.5: Sustainability24.6: Ecosystem management DS Masai mara24.7: Ecosystem management DS Terai region of Nepal24.8: Ecosystem management DS Peat bogs24.9: Environmentally sensitive ecosystemsChapter 24 Practice questionsModule 6 summaryModule 6 questions
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