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Viser: Polymer Chemistry - An Introduction

Polymer Chemistry - An Introduction, 3. udgave

Polymer Chemistry

An Introduction
Malcolm P. Stevens
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press, Incorporated
599,00 kr. 539,10 kr.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 576 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press, Incorporated (November 1998)
  • ISBN: 9780195124446
Now updated to incorporate recent developments in the field, the third edition of this successful text offers an excellent introduction to polymer chemistry. Ideal for graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and industrial chemists who work with polymers, it is the only current polymer textbook that discusses polymer types according to functional groups. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the chemistry of macromolecular substances, with particular emphasis on polymers that are important commercially and the properties that make them important. Major topics include polymer synthesis and nomenclature; molecular weight and molecular weight distribution; reactions of polymers; recycling of polymers; methods used for characterizing and testing polymers; morphology; stereoregular polymers; polymer blends; step-growth, chain-growth, and ring-opening polymerization; commercially important addition and condensation polymers; and heterocyclic, inorganic, and natural polymers. Review exercises, many including journal references, are provided to help lead students into the polymer literature.
Polymer Chemistry, 3/e, offers the most up-to-date treatment available of new developments in this rapidly changing field. It covers dendritic and hyperbranched polymers, olefin polymerization using metallocene catalysts, living free radical polymerization, biodegradable bacterial polyesters, mass spectrometric methods for determining molecular weights of polymers, atomic force microscopy for characterizing polymer surfaces, and polymers exhibiting nonlinear optical properties.
PrefacePART I. POLYMER STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES1. Basic principles2. Molecular weight and polymer solutions3. Chemical structure and polymer morphology4. Chemical structure and polymer properties5. Evaluation, characterization, and analysis of polymersPART II. VINYL POLYMERS6. Free radical polymerization7. Ionic polymerization8. Vinyl polymerization with complex coordination catalysts9. Reactions of vinyl polymersPART III. NONVINYL POLYMERS10. Step-reaction and ring-opening polymerization11. Polyethers, polysulfides, and related polymers12. Polyesters13. Polyamides and related polymers14. Phenol-, urea-, and melamine-formaldehyde polymers15. Heterocyclic polymers16. Inorganic and partially inorganic polymers17. Miscellaneous organic polymers18. Natural polymersAppendix A. Commonly used polymer abbreviationsAppendix B. Polymer literatureAppendix C. Sources of laboratory experiments in polymer chemistryIndex
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