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Viser: Why Ecosystems Matter - Preserving the Key to Our Survival

Why Ecosystems Matter, 1. udgave

Why Ecosystems Matter Vital Source e-bog

Christopher Wills
Oxford University Press
242,00 kr.
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Why Ecosystems Matter, 1. udgave

Why Ecosystems Matter Vital Source e-bog

Christopher Wills
Oxford University Press
279,00 kr.
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Why Ecosystems Matter, 1. udgave
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Why Ecosystems Matter Vital Source e-bog

Christopher Wills
Oxford University Press
372,00 kr.
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Why Ecosystems Matter - Preserving the Key to Our Survival

Why Ecosystems Matter

Preserving the Key to Our Survival
Christopher Wills
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
469,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juni 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192887597R180
How our growing knowledge of the evolution of complex ecosystems, using the latest genetic tools, can help us heal them - and survive This is not another Chicken Little book about the environment. Every reader already knows how overpopulation, ignorance and tribalism are contributing to environmental destruction and breakdowns in public health. We are all aware of the grim possibility that during our lifetimes the Earth might "flip" to a new ecological equilibrium, threatening our very survival. Why Ecosystems Matter explores an exciting new way to avoid such threats, by using our exponentially-growing knowledge of how evolution has shaped and is continuing to shape the complex communities of living ecosystems on which we all depend. Throughout this book we will visit ecosystems where the author has worked or has had direct experience, beginning with a tour of the amazing series of ecosystems that span the entire eastern slope of the Peruvian Andes. This journey provides a vivid glimpse of ecosystems' diversity and capacity for rapid change. Next, we trace how Darwin gained a fundamental insight about the origins of such ecosystem complexity. He realized that, when subgroups of the same species inhabit even slightly different ecosystems, these subgroups will evolve in diverging directions. This divergent evolution is primarily driven by interactions with the many other species in each ecosystem, which are themselves evolving in different directions in the different ecosystems. We explore how this subtle and fascinating concept lies at the heart of the evolutionary ferment that powers ecosystem diversity and resilience - the bubbling evolutionary cauldrons of the book's title. This ferment pervades ecosystems, but it is especially active in their microorganism communities. We then examine the evolutionary forces that power these cauldrons, starting with between-species interactions and tunnelling down to their causes. Using real-world examples, we explore how the technologies available for measuring these changes are increasing exponentially in precision and scope. We show how this deluge of new genetic and environmental information can be used to protect and restore a wide variety of damaged ecosystems. Ecosystems have survived dramatic changes in the past, often becoming even more wondrous and diverse than before. We are now learning how this happens, and how we can preserve this astounding ability.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juni 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192887597R365
How our growing knowledge of the evolution of complex ecosystems, using the latest genetic tools, can help us heal them - and survive This is not another Chicken Little book about the environment. Every reader already knows how overpopulation, ignorance and tribalism are contributing to environmental destruction and breakdowns in public health. We are all aware of the grim possibility that during our lifetimes the Earth might "flip" to a new ecological equilibrium, threatening our very survival. Why Ecosystems Matter explores an exciting new way to avoid such threats, by using our exponentially-growing knowledge of how evolution has shaped and is continuing to shape the complex communities of living ecosystems on which we all depend. Throughout this book we will visit ecosystems where the author has worked or has had direct experience, beginning with a tour of the amazing series of ecosystems that span the entire eastern slope of the Peruvian Andes. This journey provides a vivid glimpse of ecosystems' diversity and capacity for rapid change. Next, we trace how Darwin gained a fundamental insight about the origins of such ecosystem complexity. He realized that, when subgroups of the same species inhabit even slightly different ecosystems, these subgroups will evolve in diverging directions. This divergent evolution is primarily driven by interactions with the many other species in each ecosystem, which are themselves evolving in different directions in the different ecosystems. We explore how this subtle and fascinating concept lies at the heart of the evolutionary ferment that powers ecosystem diversity and resilience - the bubbling evolutionary cauldrons of the book's title. This ferment pervades ecosystems, but it is especially active in their microorganism communities. We then examine the evolutionary forces that power these cauldrons, starting with between-species interactions and tunnelling down to their causes. Using real-world examples, we explore how the technologies available for measuring these changes are increasing exponentially in precision and scope. We show how this deluge of new genetic and environmental information can be used to protect and restore a wide variety of damaged ecosystems. Ecosystems have survived dramatic changes in the past, often becoming even more wondrous and diverse than before. We are now learning how this happens, and how we can preserve this astounding ability.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juni 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192887597
How our growing knowledge of the evolution of complex ecosystems, using the latest genetic tools, can help us heal them - and survive This is not another Chicken Little book about the environment. Every reader already knows how overpopulation, ignorance and tribalism are contributing to environmental destruction and breakdowns in public health. We are all aware of the grim possibility that during our lifetimes the Earth might "flip" to a new ecological equilibrium, threatening our very survival. Why Ecosystems Matter explores an exciting new way to avoid such threats, by using our exponentially-growing knowledge of how evolution has shaped and is continuing to shape the complex communities of living ecosystems on which we all depend. Throughout this book we will visit ecosystems where the author has worked or has had direct experience, beginning with a tour of the amazing series of ecosystems that span the entire eastern slope of the Peruvian Andes. This journey provides a vivid glimpse of ecosystems' diversity and capacity for rapid change. Next, we trace how Darwin gained a fundamental insight about the origins of such ecosystem complexity. He realized that, when subgroups of the same species inhabit even slightly different ecosystems, these subgroups will evolve in diverging directions. This divergent evolution is primarily driven by interactions with the many other species in each ecosystem, which are themselves evolving in different directions in the different ecosystems. We explore how this subtle and fascinating concept lies at the heart of the evolutionary ferment that powers ecosystem diversity and resilience - the bubbling evolutionary cauldrons of the book's title. This ferment pervades ecosystems, but it is especially active in their microorganism communities. We then examine the evolutionary forces that power these cauldrons, starting with between-species interactions and tunnelling down to their causes. Using real-world examples, we explore how the technologies available for measuring these changes are increasing exponentially in precision and scope. We show how this deluge of new genetic and environmental information can be used to protect and restore a wide variety of damaged ecosystems. Ecosystems have survived dramatic changes in the past, often becoming even more wondrous and diverse than before. We are now learning how this happens, and how we can preserve this astounding ability.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192887573
Every one of Earth's teeming ecosystems is an evolutionary cauldron

Christopher Wills's claim has its roots in an insight from Charles Darwin: the interactions between species in an ecosystem are a powerful driver of evolution. In this book Wills describes how, by using the latest genetic techniques, we are probing ecosystems and discovering that even the most apparently barren of them are rich in variety, especially of microbes. Exploring the many ways in which ecosystems have coped with past change, and how rapidly an ecosystem can develop complexity, Wills illuminates a pathway of hope for the natural world that we have so damaged and depleted. Our new genetic knowledge can help these evolutionary cauldrons to continue brewing richness and diversity, the better to heal our living world and to enable our own survival.
Introduction1. How Darwin Brought Evolution and Ecology Together2. Lost Worlds3. How Ecosystems Survive Change4. The Genetic Contents of the Evolutionary Cauldron5. How Entangled is an Entangled Bank6. The Genetics, and the Boundless Potential, of Evolutionary Entanglements7. Benefiting From the Bubbling Evolutionary Cauldrons8. Venturing Beyond the Red Queen9. Tipping Points10. Retaining and Rebuilding the World's Evolutionary Cauldrons
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