For the last 30 years the Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT) has provided cutting edge excellence in research in elementary school mathematics education. From this wealth of material this book encapsulates the trends and explores how its plenary and research papers engage with more general research for the wider mathematics education community. Trends across time are exposed and investigated while aspects of research into elementary mathematics teaching and learning are particular foci. With a diverse and truly global list of outstanding authors, this book grounds the presentations of SEMT in current practices world-wide. Each chapter features worked examples, case studies, activities, as well as a wealth of references on all topics canvassed by the authors. Furthermore each chapter is embedded within its historical setting. Together this book is an outstanding contribution to the literature on elementary mathematics education.
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For the last 30 years the Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT) has provided cutting edge excellence in research in elementary school mathematics education. From this wealth of material this book encapsulates the trends and explores how its plenary and research papers engage with more general research for the wider mathematics education community. Trends across time are exposed and investigated while aspects of research into elementary mathematics teaching and learning are particular foci. With a diverse and truly global list of outstanding authors, this book grounds the presentations of SEMT in current practices world-wide. Each chapter features worked examples, case studies, activities, as well as a wealth of references on all topics canvassed by the authors. Furthermore each chapter is embedded within its historical setting. Together this book is an outstanding contribution to the literature on elementary mathematics education.
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Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
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For the last 30 years the Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT) has provided cutting edge excellence in research in elementary school mathematics education. From this wealth of material this book encapsulates the trends and explores how its plenary and research papers engage with more general research for the wider mathematics education community. Trends across time are exposed and investigated while aspects of research into elementary mathematics teaching and learning are particular foci. With a diverse and truly global list of outstanding authors, this book grounds the presentations of SEMT in current practices world-wide. Each chapter features worked examples, case studies, activities, as well as a wealth of references on all topics canvassed by the authors. Furthermore each chapter is embedded within its historical setting. Together this book is an outstanding contribution to the literature on elementary mathematics education.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.
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For the last 30 years the Symposium on Elementary Mathematics Teaching (SEMT) has provided cutting edge excellence in research in elementary school mathematics education. From this wealth of material this book encapsulates the trends and explores how its plenary and research papers engage with more general research for the wider mathematics education community. Trends across time are exposed and investigated while aspects of research into elementary mathematics teaching and learning are particular foci.
With a diverse and truly global list of outstanding authors, this book grounds the presentations of SEMT in current practices world-wide. Each chapter features worked examples, case studies, activities, as well as a wealth of references on all topics canvassed by the authors. Furthermore each chapter is embedded within its historical setting. Together this book is an outstanding contribution to the literature on elementary mathematics education.
A history of SEMT, Jarmila NovotnáSection 1 Elementary mathematics teaching, Jarmila Novotná1.1 Interventions to strengthen teaching and learning in contexts of disadvantage, Mellony Graven and Hansa Venkat1.2 Primary teachers' knowledge for teaching mathematical problem-solving, Juan Luis Piñeiro and Elena Castro-Rodriguez1.3 Cultural and linguistic heterogeneity in research presented at SEMT symposia, Jarmila Novotná and Hana Moroavá1.4 Professional development of teachers as an agent of change in primary mathematics teaching, Alena Hospesová and Berinderjeet KaurSection 2 Contexts for learning mathematics, Berinderjeet Kaur2.1 Early childhood contexts for learning mathematics, Ruthi Barkai, Esther Levenson, Pessia Tsamir, and Dina Tirosh2.2 Students with special needs - learning mathematics successfully, Petra Scherer2.3 Problem Solving, Problem Posing, and Enhancing Creativity, Sarah Hershkovitz and Thierry Dana-Picard2.4 Learning to solve word problems with understanding, Nada VondrováSection 3 Aspects of Teaching Mathematics, Brian Doig3.1 Elementary Mathematics Teaching: Relevance, Conceptualisations, and Research, Jana Visnovská, José Luis Cortina, and Pamela Vale3.2 From variation pedagogy and lesson study to cultural transposition, Maria Bartolini Bussi and Alessandro Ramploud3.3 Visualisation as a tool in teaching: Pre-service teachers competencies in visualization, Jasmina Milinkovic3.4 Pre-service Primary student teachers' development of competencies in teaching mathematics 204, Darina Jirotkova, Katerina Juzova, Karolina Mottlova, Jana Slezakova, Tereza Vybiralova, Renata ZemanovaSection 4 Aspects of Learning Mathematics, David Pugalee4.1 Promoting Mathematical Literacy: Perspectives from SEMT, Shelby Morge and David Pugalee4.2 Designing and adapting tasks in the Japanese problem-solving lesson within Lesson Study, Toshiakira Fujii4.3 Japanese Lesson Study: Insights from SEMT, Brian Doig and Susie Groves4.4 30 Years of International Progress in Young Children's Problem Solving and Posing, Victor Cifarelli, Mary Capraro, and Robert CapraroAfterword, Brian Doig and Jarmila Novotná