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Viser: Introduction to Mechanics of Solid Materials

Introduction to Mechanics of Solid Materials

Introduction to Mechanics of Solid Materials

Lallit Anand, Ken Kamrin og Sanjay Govindjee
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
759,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 592 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (December 2022)
  • Forfattere: Lallit Anand, Ken Kamrin og Sanjay Govindjee
  • ISBN: 9780192866080
Introduction to Mechanics of Solid Materials is concerned with the deformation, flow, and fracture of solid materials. This textbook offers a unified presentation of the major concepts in Solid Mechanics for junior/senior-level undergraduate students in the many branches of engineering--mechanical, materials, civil, and aeronautical--among others.

The book begins by covering the basics of kinematics and strain, and stress and equilibrium, followed by a coverage of the small deformation theories for different types of material response: (i) Elasticity; (ii) Plasticity and Creep; (iii) Fracture and Fatigue; and (iv) Viscoelasticity. The book has additional chapters covering the important material classes of: (v) Rubber Elasticity, and (vi) Continuous-fiber laminated composites. The text includes numerous examples to aid students. A substantial companion volume with example problems is available free of charge on the book's companion website.
1. Kinematics and strain2. Stress and equilibrium3. Balance laws of forces and moments for small deformations4. Stress and strain are symmetric second-order tensors5. Isotropic linear elasticity6. Elastic deformation of thick-walled cylinders7. Stress concentration8. Wave propagation in isotropic elastic bodies9. Limits to elastic response10. One-dimensional plasticity11. Physical basis of metal plasticity12. Three-dimensional rate-independent plasticity13. Three-dimensional rate-dependent plasticity14. Introduction to fracture mechanics15. Linear elastic fracture mechanics16. Energy-based approach to fracture17. Fatigue18. Linear viscoelasticity19. Linear viscoelasticity under oscillatory strain and stress20. Temperature dependence of linear viscoelastic response21. Three-dimensional linear viscoelasticity22. Rubber elasticity23. Continuous-fiber polymer-matrix compositesAppendicesA. Thin-walled pressure vesselsB. Elastic bending of beamsC. Elastic buckling of columnsD. Torsion of circular elastic shaftsE. Castigliano's theoremsF. Elasticity in different coordinate systemsG. Hardness of a materialH. Stress intensity factors for some crack configurationsI. MATLAB codes
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