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Viser: Symmetry Relationships Between Crystal Structures - Applications of Crystallographic Group Theory in Crystal Chemistry

Symmetry Relationships Between Crystal Structures - Applications of Crystallographic Group Theory in Crystal Chemistry, 2. udgave

Symmetry Relationships Between Crystal Structures

Applications of Crystallographic Group Theory in Crystal Chemistry
Ulrich Müller og Gemma de la Flor
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press, Incorporated
759,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 400 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press, Incorporated (Februar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Ulrich Müller og Gemma de la Flor
  • ISBN: 9780192858320
In crystal chemistry and crystal physics, the relations between the symmetry groups (space groups) of crystalline solids are of particular importance. Part I of this book presents the necessary mathematical foundations and tools: the fundamentals of crystallography with special emphasis on symmetry, the theory of the crystallographic groups, and the formalisms of the needed crystallographic computations. Part II gives an insight into applications to problems in crystal chemistry. With the aid of numerous examples, it is shown how crystallographic group theory can be used to make evident the relationships between crystal structures, to set up a systematic order in the huge amount of known crystal structures, to predict crystal structures, to analyse phase transitions and topotactic chemical reactions in the solid state, to understand the formation of domains and twins in crystals, and to avoid errors in crystal structure determinations. Part III delves further into some specific topics, namely the isomorphic subgroups of space groups, the theory of phase transitions, and computer programs dedicated to crystallographic group theory. In this new edition, several topics have been extended to cover the latest scientific findings, a new chapter has been added dealing with pertinent computer programs, and references have been updated.
1. IntroductionPart I - Crystallographic Foundations2. Basics of crystallography,
part 13. Mappings4. Basics of crystallography,
part 25. Group theory6. Basics of crystallography,
part 37. Subgroups and supergroups of point and space groups8. Conjugate subgroups and normalizers of space groups9. Equivalent descriptions of crystal structures and chiralityPart II - Symmetry Relations between Space Groups as a Tool to Disclose Connections between Crystal Structures10. How to handle space groups11. The group-theoretical presentation of crystal-chemical relationships12. Symmetry relations between related crystal structures13. Pitfalls when setting up group-subgroup relations14. Derivation of crystal structures from closest packings of spheres15. Crystal structures of molecular compounds16. Symmetry relations at phase transitions17. Topotactic reactions18. Group-subgroup relations as an aid for structure determination19. Prediction of possible structure types20. Historical remarksPart III - Widening Excurses to Special Topics21. Isomorphic subgroups22. On the theory of phase transitions23. Symmetry species24. The Bilbao Crystallographic ServerAppendices
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