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Viser: Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases - Relaxation, Transfer, and Reactions in Condensed Molecular Systems

Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases, 2. udgave

Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases Vital Source e-bog

Abraham Nitzan
Oxford University Press
533,00 kr.
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Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases, 2. udgave

Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases Vital Source e-bog

Abraham Nitzan
Oxford University Press
615,00 kr.
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Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases, 2. udgave
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Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases Vital Source e-bog

Abraham Nitzan
Oxford University Press
820,00 kr.
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Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases - Relaxation, Transfer, and Reactions in Condensed Molecular Systems, 2. udgave

Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases

Relaxation, Transfer, and Reactions in Condensed Molecular Systems
Abraham Nitzan
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
1.035,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192671448R180
This second edition of Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases provides a substantial modification and expansion of the first edition published in 2006. Nitzan offers a uniform approach to diverse problems encountered in the study of dynamical processes in condensed phase molecular systems. The textbook focuses on three themes: contextual background material, in-depth introduction of methodologies, and analysis of several key applications. These applications are among the most fundamental processes that underlie physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in complex systems. The comprehensive, advanced, and self-contained text provides the theoretical foundations for the processes affecting molecular dynamics in condensed phases that are encountered in the chemistry laboratory as well as in biology and material science research. The mathematical tools and the physical concepts necessary to develop the chemical description are provided first, followed by a detailed discussion of the fundamental chemical processes that underlie the chemical dynamics, including quantum and classical aspects of molecular motion and the interaction of molecules with the radiation field and the surrounding thermal environment. The last part of the book discusses several key processes: accumulation and relaxation of molecular energy, chemical reaction dynamics and the interplay of these dynamics with the dynamics and relaxation of the surrounding solvent, electron transfer reactions, electrode processes and molecular conduction junctions as well as molecular response to optical stimuli in solution and at dielectric interfaces. Attention is given to combining the mathematical analysis with qualitative physical understanding of the different dynamical phenomena. New to this edition is a new chapter 19 on the interaction of molecules with light at dielectric interfaces, motivated by the surge of interest in molecular plasmonics and molecular cavity electrodynamics, as well as a section relevant to this issue added to Chapter 10. Chapters on light-matter interaction and spectroscopy have been expanded to include subjects relevant to the foundation and practice of interfacial spectroscopy. Sections have also been added to include discussion of noise and fluctuations observed in single molecule spectroscopy and in molecular junction transport.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192671448R365
This second edition of Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases provides a substantial modification and expansion of the first edition published in 2006. Nitzan offers a uniform approach to diverse problems encountered in the study of dynamical processes in condensed phase molecular systems. The textbook focuses on three themes: contextual background material, in-depth introduction of methodologies, and analysis of several key applications. These applications are among the most fundamental processes that underlie physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in complex systems. The comprehensive, advanced, and self-contained text provides the theoretical foundations for the processes affecting molecular dynamics in condensed phases that are encountered in the chemistry laboratory as well as in biology and material science research. The mathematical tools and the physical concepts necessary to develop the chemical description are provided first, followed by a detailed discussion of the fundamental chemical processes that underlie the chemical dynamics, including quantum and classical aspects of molecular motion and the interaction of molecules with the radiation field and the surrounding thermal environment. The last part of the book discusses several key processes: accumulation and relaxation of molecular energy, chemical reaction dynamics and the interplay of these dynamics with the dynamics and relaxation of the surrounding solvent, electron transfer reactions, electrode processes and molecular conduction junctions as well as molecular response to optical stimuli in solution and at dielectric interfaces. Attention is given to combining the mathematical analysis with qualitative physical understanding of the different dynamical phenomena. New to this edition is a new chapter 19 on the interaction of molecules with light at dielectric interfaces, motivated by the surge of interest in molecular plasmonics and molecular cavity electrodynamics, as well as a section relevant to this issue added to Chapter 10. Chapters on light-matter interaction and spectroscopy have been expanded to include subjects relevant to the foundation and practice of interfacial spectroscopy. Sections have also been added to include discussion of noise and fluctuations observed in single molecule spectroscopy and in molecular junction transport.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192671448
This second edition of Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases provides a substantial modification and expansion of the first edition published in 2006. Nitzan offers a uniform approach to diverse problems encountered in the study of dynamical processes in condensed phase molecular systems. The textbook focuses on three themes: contextual background material, in-depth introduction of methodologies, and analysis of several key applications. These applications are among the most fundamental processes that underlie physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in complex systems. The comprehensive, advanced, and self-contained text provides the theoretical foundations for the processes affecting molecular dynamics in condensed phases that are encountered in the chemistry laboratory as well as in biology and material science research. The mathematical tools and the physical concepts necessary to develop the chemical description are provided first, followed by a detailed discussion of the fundamental chemical processes that underlie the chemical dynamics, including quantum and classical aspects of molecular motion and the interaction of molecules with the radiation field and the surrounding thermal environment. The last part of the book discusses several key processes: accumulation and relaxation of molecular energy, chemical reaction dynamics and the interplay of these dynamics with the dynamics and relaxation of the surrounding solvent, electron transfer reactions, electrode processes and molecular conduction junctions as well as molecular response to optical stimuli in solution and at dielectric interfaces. Attention is given to combining the mathematical analysis with qualitative physical understanding of the different dynamical phenomena. New to this edition is a new chapter 19 on the interaction of molecules with light at dielectric interfaces, motivated by the surge of interest in molecular plasmonics and molecular cavity electrodynamics, as well as a section relevant to this issue added to Chapter 10. Chapters on light-matter interaction and spectroscopy have been expanded to include subjects relevant to the foundation and practice of interfacial spectroscopy. Sections have also been added to include discussion of noise and fluctuations observed in single molecule spectroscopy and in molecular junction transport.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Print: 2 sider kan printes ad gangen
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 752 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780192857187
This second edition of Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases provides a substantial modification and expansion of the first edition published in 2006. Nitzan offers a uniform approach to diverse problems encountered in the study of dynamical processes in condensed phase molecular systems. The textbook focuses on three themes: contextual background material, in-depth introduction of methodologies, and analysis of several key applications. These applications are among the most fundamental processes that underlie physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in complex systems.

The comprehensive, advanced, and self-contained text provides the theoretical foundations for the processes affecting molecular dynamics in condensed phases that are encountered in the chemistry laboratory as well as in biology and material science research. The mathematical tools and the physical concepts necessary to develop the chemical description are provided first, followed by a detailed discussion of the fundamental chemical processes that underlie the chemical dynamics, including quantum and classical aspects of molecular motion and the interaction of molecules with the radiation field and the surrounding thermal environment. The last part of the book discusses several key processes: accumulation and relaxation of molecular energy, chemical reaction dynamics and the interplay of these dynamics with the dynamics and relaxation of the surrounding solvent, electron transfer reactions, electrode processes and molecular conduction junctions as well as molecular response to optical stimuli in solution and at dielectric interfaces. Attention is given to combining the mathematical analysis with qualitative physical understanding of the different dynamical phenomena.

New to this edition is a new chapter 19 on the interaction of molecules with light at dielectric interfaces, motivated by the surge of interest in molecular plasmonics and molecular cavity electrodynamics, as well as a section relevant to this issue added to Chapter 10. Chapters on light-matter interaction and spectroscopy have been expanded to include subjects relevant to the foundation and practice of interfacial spectroscopy. Sections have also been added to include discussion of noise and fluctuations observed in single molecule spectroscopy and in molecular junction transport.

PART I BACKGROUND1. Review of some mathematical and physical subjects2. Quantum dynamics using the time-dependent Schrodinger equation3. An overview of quantum electrodynamics {} and matter--radiation field interaction4. Introduction to solids5. Introduction to liquidsPART II METHODS6. Time-correlation functions7. Introduction to stochastic processes8. Stochastic equations of motion9. Introduction to quantum relaxation processes10. The quantum mechanical density operator {and its} time evolution: Quantum dynamics using the quantum Liouville equation11. Linear response theory12. The spin--boson modelPART III APPLICATIONS13. Vibrational energy relaxation14. Chemical reactions in condensed phases15. Solvation dynamics16. Electron transfer processes17. Electron transfer and transmission at molecule--metal and molecule--semiconductor interfaces18. Spectroscopy19. Molecular spectroscopy at dielectric interfacesIndex
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