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Linear Systems and Signals Vital Source e-bog
BP Lathi og Roger Green
Linear Systems and Signals
B. P. Lathi og Roger Green
Sprog: Engelsk
om ca. 15 hverdage
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- 3. Udgave
- Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
- Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2022)
- Forfattere: BP Lathi og Roger Green
- ISBN: 9780197660683R180
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- 3. Udgave
- Paperback: 1008 sider
- Udgiver: Oxford University Press, Incorporated (December 2022)
- Forfattere: B. P. Lathi og Roger Green
- ISBN: 9780190200190
This text shares many topics and features with Dr. Lathi's Signal Processing and Linear System, but differs in its sequence of topics, particularly in the placement of the Laplace transform ahead of the Fourier Transform. The two books cover much the same ground but their different organizations mirror the two different approaches in wide use by instructors.
1.1 Complex Numbers
1.1-1 A Historical Note
1.1-2 Algebra of Complex Numbers
1.2 Sinusoids and Exponentials
1.2-1 Addition of Sinusoids
1.2-2 Sinusoids in Terms of Exponentials
1.2-3 Monotonic Exponentials
1.2-4 The Exponentially Varying Sinusoid
1.3 Cramer''s Rule
1.4 Partial Fraction Expansion
1.4-1 Method of Clearing Fractions
1.4-2 The Heaviside "Cover-Up" Method
1.4-3 Repeated Factors of Q(x)
1.4-4 A Combination of Heaviside "Cover-Up" and Clearing Fractions
1.4-6 Modified Partial Fractions
1.5 Vectors and Matrices
1.5-1 Some Definitions and Properties
1.5-2 Matrix Algebra
1.6 MATLAB: Elementary Operations
1.6-1 MATLAB Overview
1.6-2 Calculator Operations
1.6-3 Vector Operations
1.6-4 Simple Plotting
1.6-5 Element-by-Element Operations
1.6-6 Matrix Operations
1.6-7 Partial Fraction Expansions
1.7 Appendix: Useful Mathematical Formulas
1.7-1 Some Useful Constants
1.7-2 Complex Numbers
1.7-3 Sums
1.7-4 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
1.7-5 Power Series
1.7-6 Trigonometric Identities
1.7-7 Common Derivative Formulas
1.7-8 Indefinite Integrals
1.7-9 L''Hôpital''s Rule
1.7-10 Solution of Quadratic and Cubic Equations References Problems 2 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS
2.1 Size of a Signals
2.1-1 Signal Energy
2.1-2 Signal Power
2.2 Some Useful Signal Operations
2.2-1 Time Shifting
2.2-2 Time Scaling
2.2-3 Time Reversal
2.2-4 Combined Operations
2.3 Classification of Signals
2.3-1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals
2.3-2 Analogue and Digital Signals
2.3-3 Periodic and Aperiodic Signals
2.3-4 Energy and Power Signals
2.3-5 Deterministic and Random Signals
2.4 Some Useful Signal Models
2.4-1 The Unit Step Function u(t)
2.4-2 The Unit Impulse Function ?(t)
2.4-3 The Exponential Function est
2.5 Even and Odd Functions
2.5-1 Some Properties of Even and Odd Functions
2.5-2 Even and Odd Components of a Signal
2.6 Systems and System Classification
2.6-1 Classification of Systems
2.6-2 Linear and Nonlinear Systems
2.6-3 Time-Invariant and Time-Varying Systems
2.6-4 Instantaneous and Dynamic Systems
2.6-5 Causal and Noncausal Systems
2.6-6 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems
2.6-7 Analogue and Digital Systems
2.6-8 Invertible and Noninvertible Systems
2.6-9 Stable and Unstable Systems
2.7 System Model: Input-Output Description
2.7-1 Electrical Systems
2.7-2 Mechanical Systems
2.7-3 Electromechanical Systems
2.8 Internal and External Descriptions of a System
2.8-1 Internal Description: The State-Space Description
2.9 MATLAB: Working with Functions
2.9-1 Anonymous Functions
2.9-2 Relational Operators and the Unit Step Functions
2.9-3 Visualising Operations on the Independent Variable
2.9-4 Numerical Integration and Estimating Signal Energy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 System Response to Internal Conditions: The Zero-Input Response
3.2-1 Some Insights into the Zero-Input Behaviour of a System
3.3 The Unit Impulse Response h(t)
3.4 System Response to External Input: The Zero-State Response
3.4-1 The Convolution Integral
3.4-2 Graphical Understanding of Convolution Operation
3.4-3 Interconnected Systems
3.4-4 A Very Special Function for LTIC Systems: The Everlasting Exponential est
3.4-5 Total Response
3.5 System Stability
3.5-1 External (BIBO) Stability
3.5-2 Internal (Asymptotic) Stability
3.5-3 Relationship Between BIBO and Asymptotic Stability
3.6 Intuitive Insights into System Behaviour
3.6-1 Dependence of System Behaviour on Characteristic Modes
3.6-2 Response Time of a System: The System Time Constant
3.6-3 Time Constant and Rise Time of a System
3.6-4 Time Constant and Filtering
3.6-5 Time Constant and Pulse Dispersion (Spreading)
3.6-6 Time Constant and Rate of Information Transmission
3.6-7 The Resonance Phenomenon
3.7 MATLAB: M-Files
3.7-1 Script M-Files
3.7-2 Function M-Files
3.7-3 For-Loops
3.7-4 Graphical Understanding of Convolution
3.8 Appendix: Determining the Impulse Response
4.1 Introduction
4.1-1 Size of a Discrete-Time Signal
4.1-2 Useful Signal Operations
4.2 Some Useful Discrete-Time Signal Models
4.2-1 Discrete-Time Impulse Function ?[n]
4.2-2 Discrete-Time Unit Step Function u[n]
4.2-3 Discrete-Time Exponential ? n
4.2-4 Discrete-Time Sinusoid cos(\''04n+?)
4.2-5 Discrete-Time Complex Exponential ej\''04n
4.3 Examples of Discrete-Time Systems
4.3-1 Classification of Discrete-Time Systems
4.4 Discrete-Time System Equations
4.4-1 Recursive (Iterative) Solution of Difference Equation
4.5 System Response to Internal Conditions: The Zero-Input Response
4.6 The Unit Impulse Response h[n]
4.6-1 The Closed-Form Solution of h[n]
4.7 System Response to External Input: The Zero-State Response
4.7-1 Graphical Procedure for the Convolution Sum
4.7-2 Interconnected Systems
4.7-3 Total Response
4.8 System Stability and Behaviour
4.8-1 External (BIBO) Stability
4.8-2 Internal (Asymptotic) Stability
4.8-3 Relationship Between BIBO and Asymptotic Stability
4.8-4 Intuitive Insights into System Behaviour
4.9 MATLAB: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
4.9-1 Discrete-Time Functions and Stem Plots
4.9-2 System Responses Through Filtering
4.9-3 A Custom Filter Function
4.9-4 Discrete-Time Convolution
4.10 Appendix: Impulse Response for a Special Case
5.1 The Laplace Transform
5.2 Some Properties of the Laplace Transform
5.2-1 Time Shifting
5.2-2 Frequency Shifting
5.2-3 The Time-Differentiation Property
5.2-4 The Time-Integration Property
5.2-5 The Scaling Property
5.2-6 Time Convolution and Frequency Convolution
5.3 Solution of Differential and Integro-Differential Equations
5.3-1 Comments on Initial Conditions at 0? and at 0+
5.3-2 Zero-State Response
5.3-3 Stability
5.3-4 Inverse Systems
5.4 Analysis of Electrical Networks: The Transformed Network
5.4-1 Analysis of Active Circuits
5.5 Block Diagrams and System Realisations
5.5-1 Direct Form I Realisation
5.5-2 Direct Form II Realisation
5.5-3 Cascade and Parallel Realisations
5.5-4 Transposed Realisation
5.5-5 Using Operational Amplifiers for System Realisation
5.5-6 Application to Feedback and Controls
5.5-7 Analysis of a Simple Control System
5.6 Frequency Response of an LTIC System
5.6-1 Steady-State Response to Causal Sinusoidal Inputs
5.7 Bode Plots
5.7-1 Constant Ka1a2/b1b3
5.7-2 Pole (or Zero) at the Origin
5.7-3 First-Order Pole (or Zero)
5.7-4 Second-Order Pole (or Zero)
5.7-5 The Transfer Function from the Frequency Response
5.8 Filter Design by Placement of Poles and Zeros of H(s)
5.8-1 Dependence of Frequency Response on Poles and Zeros of H(s)
5.8-2 Lowpass Filters
5.8-3 Bandpass Filters
5.8-4 Notch (Bandstop) Filters
5.8-5 Practical Filters and Their Specifications
5.9 The Bilateral Laplace Transform
5.9-1 Properties of the Bilateral Laplace Transform
5.9-2 Using the Bilateral Transform for Linear System Analysis
5.10 MATLAB: Continuous-Time Filters
5.10-1 Frequency Response and Polynomial Evaluation
5.10-2 Butterworth Filters and the Find Command
5.10-3 Using Cascaded Second-Order Sections for Butterworth Filter Realisation
5.10-4 Chebyshev Filters
6.1 The z-Transform
6.1-1 Inverse Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion and Tables
6.1-2 Inverse z-Transform by Power Series Expansion
6.2 Some Properties of the z-Transform
6.2-1 Time-Shifting Properties
6.2-2 z-Domain Scaling Property (Multiplication by ? n)
6.2-3 z-Domain Differentiation Property (Multiplication by n)
6.2-4 Time-Reversal Property
6.2-5 Convolution Property
6.3 z-Transform Solution of Linear Difference Equations
6.3-1 Zero-State Response of LTID Systems: The Transfer Function
6.3-2 Stability
6.3-3 Inverse Systems
6.4 System Realisation
6.5 Frequency Response of Discrete-Time Systems
6.5-1 The Periodic Nature of Frequency Response
6.5-2 Aliasing and Sampling Rate
6.5-3 Frequency Response from Pole-Zero Locations
6.6 Digital Processing of Analogue Signals
6.7 The Bilateral z-Transform
6.7-1 Properties of the Bilateral z-Transform
6.7-2 Using the Bilateral z-Transform for Analysis of LTID Systems
6.7-3 Connecting the Laplace and z-Transforms
6.8 MATLAB: Discrete-Time IIR Filters
6.8-1 Frequency Response and Pole-Zero Plots
6.8-2 Transformation Basics
6.8-3 Transformation by First-Order Backward Difference
6.8-4 Bilinear Transformation
6.8-5 Bilinear Transformation with Prewarping
6.8-6 Example: Butterworth Filter Transformation
6.8-7 Problems Fi