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Viser: The AI Revolution in Networking, Cybersecurity, and Emerging Technologies

The AI Revolution in Networking, Cybersecurity, and Emerging Technologies

The AI Revolution in Networking, Cybersecurity, and Emerging Technologies

Omar Santos, Samer Salam og Hazim Dahir
Sprog: Engelsk
Pearson Education, Limited
257,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson Education, Limited (Marts 2024)
  • Forfattere: Omar Santos, Samer Salam og Hazim Dahir
  • ISBN: 9780138293697

The AI Revolution is Here. Discover its Dynamic Applications in Networking, Cybersecurity, and More.


AI is having a profound impact on nearly every sector of the workforce. Huge professional and financial opportunities await in the key domains of computer networking, cybersecurity, IoT, and cloud computing. The AI Revolution in Networking, Cybersecurity, and Emerging Technologies will give you the edge you need to harness AI for your benefit. Learn how AI can efficiently identify shadow data, fortify security measures, generate predictive analytics in real time, and so much more.


In this comprehensive guide, Cisco professionals Omar Santos, Samer Salam, and Hazim Dahir engage you in both AI application and theory through practical case studies and predictions of future trends, which makes this book not just a valuable guide for today, but an indispensable resource for tomorrow.


You'll discover how AI is building robust bridges in collaboration tools and turning IoT into a super-intelligent network of devices so you can quickly identify and resolve network security threats while enhancing network performance. This book will show you how AI can help you modernize and fortify your operations and make yourself a key asset to your company.


Are you ready to join The AI Revolution in Networking, Cybersecurity, and Emerging Technologies?


  • Gain industry-specific knowledge from experienced professionals
  • Discover new capabilities like self-healing networks and predictive analytics
  • Learn how AI can save time by detecting and correcting issues in real time
  • Master techniques for security monitoring and alerting
  • Understand potential security and privacy pitfalls of using AI, and how to guard against them
  • Understand how AI works for you and with you


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Preface xix
Chapter 1. Introducing the Age of AI: Emergence, Growth, and Impact on Technology 1 The End of Human Civilization 2 Significant Milestones in AI Development (This Book Is Already Obsolete) 2 The AI Black Box Problem and Explainable AI 5 What''s the Difference Between Large Language Models and Traditional Machine Learning? 6 Hugging Face Hub: A Game-Changer in Collaborative Machine Learning 12 AI''s Expansion Across Industries: Networking, Cloud Computing, Security, Collaboration, and IoT 14 AI''s Impacts on the Job Market 15 AI''s Impacts on Security, Ethics, and Privacy 17 Summary 30 References 31
Chapter 2. Connected Intelligence: AI in Computer Networking 33 The Role of AI in Computer Networking 34 AI for Network Management 37 AI for Network Optimization 45 AI for Network Security 49 AI for Traffic Classification and Prediction 52 AI in Network Digital Twins 54 Summary 55 References 56
Chapter 3. Securing the Digital Frontier: AI''s Role in Cybersecurity 59 AI in Incident Response: Analyzing Potential Indicators to Determine the Type of Attack 59 AI in Vulnerability Management and Vulnerability Prioritization 71 AI in Security Governance, Policies, Processes, and Procedures 73 Using AI to Create Secure Network Designs 74 AI and Security Implications of IoT, OT, Embedded, and Specialized Systems 75 AI and Physical Security 76 AI in Security Assessments, Red Teaming, and Penetration Testing 77 AI in Identity and Account Management 80 Using AI for Fraud Detection and Prevention 86 AI and Cryptography 87 AI in Secure Application Development, Deployment, and Automation 90 Summary 93 References 94
Chapter 4. AI and Collaboration Building Bridges, Not Walls 95 Collaboration Tools and the Future of Work 96 AI for Collaboration 101 The Contact Center: A Bridge to Customers 109 AR/VR: A Closer Look 113 Affective Computing 116 Summary 116 References 117
Chapter 5. AI in the Internet of Things (AIoT) 119 Understanding the IoT Landscape 120 AI for Data Analytics and Decision Making 122 AI for IoT Resource Optimization 125 AI for IoT in Supply Chain 127 AI for IoT Security 130 AI for IoT in Sustainability 133 Summary 137 References 137
Chapter 6. Revolutionizing Cloud Computing with AI 139 Understanding the Cloud Computing Environment 139 AI in Cloud Infrastructure Management 145 AI for Cloud Security 147 AI for Cloud Optimization 151 AI and Machine Learning as a Service 153 Challenges of AI and Machine Learning in the Cloud 158 What Lies Ahead 158 References 159
Chapter 7. Impact of AI in Other Emerging Technologies 161 Executive Order on the Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence 162 AI in Quantum Computing 163 How AI Can Revolutionize Quantum Hardware Optimization 167 Data Analysis and Interpretation 168 AI in Blockchain Technologies 169 AI in Autonomous Vehicles and Drones 175 AI in Edge Computing 175 Summary 183 References 184 Index 185
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