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Alan Turing: His Work and Impact: His Work and Impact
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Alan Turing: His Work and Impact: His Work and Impact Vital Source e-bog

S. Barry Cooper, Van Leeuwen og J.
Elsevier Science
611,00 kr.
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Alan Turing - His Work and Impact

Alan Turing

His Work and Impact
S. Barry Cooper og J. van Leeuwen
Sprog: Engelsk
Elsevier Science & Technology
764,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages): 944 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science (Marts 2013)
  • Forfattere: S. Barry Cooper, Van Leeuwen og J.
  • ISBN: 9780123870124

"The fact remains that everyone who taps at a keyboard, opening a spreadsheet or a word-processing program, is working on an incarnation of a Turing machine."—TIME

In this award-winning selection of writings by Information Age pioneer Alan Turing, readers will find many of the most significant contributions from the four-volume set of the Collected Works of A. M. Turing. These contributions, together with commentaries from current experts in a wide spectrum of fields and backgrounds, provide insight on the significance and contemporary impact of A.M. Turing's work.

Offering a more modern perspective than anything currently available, Alan Turing: His Work and Impact gives wide coverage of the many ways in which Turing's scientific endeavors have impacted current research and understanding of the world. His pivotal writings on subjects including computing, artificial intelligence, cryptography, morphogenesis, and more display continued relevance and insight into today's scientific and technological landscape. This collection provides a great service to researchers, but is also an approachable entry point for readers with limited training in the science, but an urge to learn more about the details of Turing's work.

  • 2013 winner of the prestigious R.R. Hawkins Award from the Association of American Publishers, as well as the 2013 PROSE Awards for Mathematics and Best in Physical Sciences & Mathematics, also from the AAP
  • Named a 2013 Notable Computer Book in Computing Milieux by Computing Reviews
  • Affordable, key collection of the most significant papers by A.M. Turing
  • Commentary explaining the significance of each seminal paper by preeminent leaders in the field
  • Additional resources available online
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 944 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science & Technology (Juni 2013)
  • Forfattere: S. Barry Cooper og J. van Leeuwen
  • ISBN: 9780123869807
"The fact remains that everyone who taps at a keyboard, opening a spreadsheet or a word-processing program, is working on an incarnation of a Turing machine."-TIME
In this accessible new selection of writings by Information Age pioneer Alan Turing, readers will find many of the most significant contributions from the four-volume set of the Collected Works of A. M. Turing. These contributions, together with commentaries from current experts in a wide spectrum of fields and backgrounds, provide insight on the significance and contemporary impact of A.M. Turing's work.
Offering a more modern perspective than anything currently available, Alan Turing: His Work and Impact gives wide coverage of the many ways in which Turing's scientific endeavors have impacted current research and understanding of the world.
His pivotal writings on subjects including computing, artificial intelligence, cryptography, morphogenesis, and more display continued relevance and insight into today's scientific and technological landscape.
This collection provides a great service to researchers, but is also an approachable entry point for readers with limited training in the science, but an urge to learn more about the details of Turing's work.

Part I: How Do We Compute? What Can We Prove?
1. Alan Mathison Turing
2. On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem
3. On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem - correction
4. Review of Turing 1936-7
5. Computability and ?-definability
6. The p-function in ?-K-conversion
7. Systems of Logic based on Ordinals
8. A Formal Theorem in Church's Theory of Types
9. The Use of Dots as Brackets in Church's System
10. Practical Forms of Type Theory
11. The Reform of Mathematical Notation

Part II: Hiding and Unhiding Information: Cryptology, Complexity and Number Theory.
1. On the Gaussian Error Function
2. A Method for the Calculation of the Zeta-function
3. Some Calculations of the Riemann Zeta-function
4. On a Theorem of Littlewood
5. The Word Problem in Semi-groups with Cancellation
6. Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
7. The Word Problem in Compact Groups
8. On Permutation Groups
9. Rounding-off Errors in Matrix Processes
10. A Note on Normal Numbers
11. Turing's treatise on the Enigma (Prof's Book); Report by Turing on U. S. Navy cryptanalytic work and their machinery, November 1942; Speech System 'Delilah' - report on progress, 6 June 1944; Checking a Large Routine; An early program proof by Alan Turing; Programmers' Handbook for the Manchester electronic computer; Local Programming Methods and Conventions

Part III: Building a Brain: Intelligent Machines, Practice and Theory.
1. Lecture to the London Mathematical Society
2. Intelligent Machinery
3. Computing Machinery and Intelligence
4. Chess; Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
5. Intelligent Machinery: A heretical theory; Can digital computers think?; Can automatic calculating machines be said to think?
6. Some Remarks on the Undecidability Results

Part IV: The Mathematics of Emergence: The Mysteries of Morphogenesis.
1. The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis
2. A Diffusion Reaction Theory of Morphogenesis in Plants
3. Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis; Geometrical and Descriptive Phyllotaxis; Chemical Theory of Morphogenesis; A Solution of the Morphogenetical Equations for the Case of Spherical Symmetry
4. Outline of the Development of the Daisy
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