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Solid State Physics, 2. udgave
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Solid State Physics Vital Source e-bog

Giuseppe Grosso og Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini
Elsevier Science
815,00 kr.
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Solid State Physics, 2. udgave

Solid State Physics

Giuseppe Grosso og Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini
Sprog: Engelsk
Elsevier Science & Technology
599,00 kr. 539,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages): 872 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science (Oktober 2013)
  • Forfattere: Giuseppe Grosso og Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini
  • ISBN: 9780123850317

Solid State Physics is a textbook for students of physics, material science, chemistry, and engineering. It is the state-of-the-art presentation of the theoretical foundations and application of the quantum structure of matter and materials.

This second edition provides timely coverage of the most important scientific breakthroughs of the last decade (especially in low-dimensional systems and quantum transport). It helps build readers' understanding of the newest advances in condensed matter physics with rigorous yet clear mathematics. Examples are an integral part of the text, carefully designed to apply the fundamental principles illustrated in the text to currently active topics of research.

Basic concepts and recent advances in the field are explained in tutorial style and organized in an intuitive manner. The book is a basic reference work for students, researchers, and lecturers in any area of solid-state physics.

  • Features additional material on nanostructures, giving students and lecturers the most significant features of low-dimensional systems, with focus on carbon allotropes
  • Offers detailed explanation of dissipative and nondissipative transport, and explains the essential aspects in a field, which is commonly overlooked in textbooks
  • Additional material in the classical and quantum Hall effect offers further aspects on magnetotransport, with particular emphasis on the current profiles
  • Gives a broad overview of the band structure of solids, as well as presenting the foundations of the electronic band structure. Also features reported with new and revised material, which leads to the latest research
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 872 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science & Technology (Oktober 2013)
  • Forfattere: Giuseppe Grosso og Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini
  • ISBN: 9780123850300

Solid State Physics is a textbook for students of physics, material science, chemistry, and engineering. It is the state-of-the-art presentation of the theoretical foundations and application of the quantum structure of matter and materials.

This second edition provides timely coverage of the most important scientific breakthroughs of the last decade (especially in low-dimensional systems and quantum transport). It helps build readers' understanding of the newest advances in condensed matter physics with rigorous yet clear mathematics. Examples are an integral part of the text, carefully designed to apply the fundamental principles illustrated in the text to currently active topics of research.

Basic concepts and recent advances in the field are explained in tutorial style and organized in an intuitive manner. The book is a basic reference work for students, researchers, and lecturers in any area of solid-state physics.

  • Features additional material on nanostructures, giving students and lecturers the most significant features of low-dimensional systems, with focus on carbon allotropes
  • Offers detailed explanation of dissipative and nondissipative transport, and explains the essential aspects in a field, which is commonly overlooked in textbooks
  • Additional material in the classical and quantum Hall effect offers further aspects on magnetotransport, with particular emphasis on the current profiles
  • Gives a broad overview of the band structure of solids, as well as presenting the foundations of the electronic band structure. Also features reported with new and revised material, which leads to the latest research
Preface I - Electrons in one-dimensional periodic potentials II - Geometrical description of crystals: Direct and reciprocal lattices III - The Sommerfeld free-electron theory of metals IV - The one-electron approximation and beyond V - Band theory of crystals VI - Electronic properties of selected crystals VII - Excitons, plasmons and dielectric screening in crystals VIII - Interacting electronic-nuclear systems and the adiabatic principle IX - Lattice dynamics of crystals X - Scattering of particles by crystals XI - Optical and transport properties in metals XII - Optical properties of semiconductors and insulators XIII - Transport in intrinsic and homogeneously doped semiconductors XIV - Transport in inhomogeneous semiconductors XV - Electron gas in magnetic fields XVI - Magnetic properties of localized systems and Kondo impurities XVII - Magnetic ordering in crystals XVIII - Superconductivity Subject index
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