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Viser: A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-Hours

A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-hours, 2. udgave
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A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-hours Vital Source e-bog

Don Butler
Elsevier Science
543,00 kr.
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A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-Hours, 2. udgave

A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-Hours

Don Butler
Sprog: Engelsk
Elsevier Science & Technology
560,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages): 136 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science (Maj 2012)
  • ISBN: 9780080982809

Expert ship surveyor Don Butler shares a lifetime’s ship repair costing experience in this unique resource for accurate cost estimation and planning

  • Includes hard to come by information on typical ship repair labor expectations for accurate man-hour forecasting and cost estimation
  • Produced for marine engineers and marine industry professionals to aid with repair specification and negotiation, helping you to plan work and budgets more reliably

  • Uses man-hours as opposed to particular rates or currencies, providing a long-term model for pricing regardless of location, rate fluctuation or inflation

Bringing together otherwise scattered details on specific repair and dry-docking activities, this invaluable guide will save you time and improve the accuracy of your ship repair estimates. Don’t plan or commission work without it!

Don Butler is a fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineers and a member of Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors, UK.

  • Made up of very hard to come by information on typical ship repair labor expectations for accurate man-hour forecasting and cost estimation
  • Produced for marine engineers and marine industry professionals to save time, aid in repair negotiation and help companies to plan more reliably
  • Man-hour listings assist in long-term pricing, meaning the book content remains valid regardless of currency, rate fluctuation or inflation
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 136 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science & Technology (Maj 2012)
  • ISBN: 9780080982625

Expert ship surveyor Don Butler shares a lifetime's ship repair costing experience in this unique resource for accurate cost estimation and planning

  • Includes hard to come by information on typical ship repair labor expectations for accurate man-hour forecasting and cost estimation
  • Produced for marine engineers and marine industry professionals to aid with repair specification and negotiation, helping you to plan work and budgets more reliably
  • Uses man-hours as opposed to particular rates or currencies, providing a long-term model for pricing regardless of location, rate fluctuation or inflation

Bringing together otherwise scattered details on specific repair and dry-docking activities, this invaluable guide will save you time and improve the accuracy of your ship repair estimates. Don't plan or commission work without it!

Don Butler is a fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineers and a member of Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors, UK.

Dry-docking works: Berth preparation; Shifting of blocks after docking vessel; Docking and undocking; Dock rent per day; Dock services; Hull preparation; Hull painting; Rudder works; Propeller; Tailshaft. Steel Works: Hull steel repairs. Pipe works: Pipe work renewals in schedule 40 steel; Pipe work renewals in schedule 80 steel; Pipe work renewals in copper; Hot dip galvanising after manufacture. Mechanical works: Overhauling diesel engines; Top overhaul; Cylinder covers; Cylinder liners; Bearing survey; Crankshaft deflections & crankcase doors; Four stroke, Trunk type, Main engines; Gear boxes of Medium speed engines; Overhauling valves: line valves, pressure valves; Main condenser; Main steam Turbines; Flexible coupling; Auxiliary Steam Turbines; Turbo Alternator; Feed Pumps; Oil Tanker Cargo Pump; Air Compressors; Air Receivers; Pumps; Boilers. Electrical Works: Insulation resistance tests; Electric motors; Electric generators; Switchboard; Running and installing electric cables; Installing junction boxes; Running and installing cable conduit. General works: Tank cleaning; Removal of tank manhole cover for access and refitting with new cover joint; pumping out of bilge water or slops into shore facility per tonne; Hand cleaning of bilge areas or inside tanks per square metre; Hand scraping of internal steel areas per square metre; Tank testing by low pressure compressed air; Tank testing by filling with sea water.
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