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Viser: The SPIN Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Methods, Exercises and Resources

The SPIN Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Methods, Exercises and Resources
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The SPIN Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Methods, Exercises and Resources Vital Source e-bog

Neil Rackham
694,00 kr. 624,60 kr.
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The SPIN Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Methods, Exercises and Resources

The SPIN Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Methods, Exercises and Resources

Neil Rackham
McGraw-Hill Education
345,00 kr. 310,50 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: McGraw-Hill (Juni 1996)
  • ISBN: 9780071368827
Put into practice today's winning strategy for achieving success in high-end sales! The SPIN Selling Fieldbook is your guide to the method that has revolutionized big-ticket sales in the United States and globally. It's the method being used by one-half of all Fortune 500 companies to train their sales forces, and here's the interactive, hands-on field book that provides the practical tools you need to put this revolutionary method into action­­immediately. The SPIN Selling Fieldbook includes: Individual diagnostic exercises Illustrative case studies from leading companies Practical planning suggestions Provocative questionnaires Practice sessions to prepare you for dealing with challenging selling situations Written by the pioneering author of the original bestseller, SPIN Selling, this book is aimed at making implementation easy for companies that have not yet established SPIN techniques. It will also enable companies that are already using the method to reinforce SPIN methods in the field and in coaching sessions.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: McGraw-Hill Education (Juni 1996)
  • ISBN: 9780070522350

Put into practice today's winning strategy for achieving success in high-end sales!

The SPIN Selling Fieldbook is your guide to the method that has revolutionized big-ticket sales in the United States and globally. It's the method being used by one-half of all Fortune 500 companies to train their sales forces, and here's the interactive, hands-on field book that provides the practical tools you need to put this revolutionary method into action­­immediately. The SPIN Selling Fieldbook includes:

  • Individual diagnostic exercises
  • Illustrative case studies from leading companies
  • Practical planning suggestions
  • Provocative questionnaires
  • Practice sessions to prepare you for dealing with challenging selling situations

Written by the pioneering author of the original bestseller, SPIN Selling, this book is aimed at making implementation easy for companies that have not yet established SPIN techniques. It will also enable companies that are already using the method to reinforce SPIN methods in the field and in coaching sessions.

This Book.The SPIN Model.Check It Out.Putting Spin in Context.Putting Spin to Work.Buyer Needs.Situation Questions.Problem Questions.Implication Questions.Need-Payoff Questions.Demonstrating Capability.Increasing Your Impact.Putting It All Together.Beyond Spin.Forms and Other Tools.
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