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Viser: All Through the Night - How Dark Skies Can Save Our World

All Through the Night - How Dark Skies Can Save Our World

All Through the Night

How Dark Skies Can Save Our World
Dani Robertson
Sprog: Engelsk
HarperCollins Publishers
146,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Nov 2024.

Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 320 sider
  • Udgiver: HarperCollins Publishers (November 2024)
  • ISBN: 9780008586751
Best New Books on Space 2024 - Forbes

'Rarely is a non-fiction book about science this engaging' - Forbes

Why darkness is so important - to plants, to animals, and to ourselves - and why we must protect it all costs.

Darkness is the first thing we know in our human existence. Safe and warm inside the bubble of the womb, we are comfortable in that embracing dark. But as soon as we are bought into the light, we learn to fear the dark. Why?

This book is a celebration of all things that go bump in the night and the joy that can be found when the sun goes down. As a society we have closed our curtains to the darkness, now Dani Robertson urges you to cast those curtains wide, step out of your front door and let the darkness pull you in.

Some 99 per cent of Western Europeans live under light polluted skies, but what is this doing to our health? Our wellbeing? Our connection to the cycles of nature?

Our wildlife, too, has been cast into the harsh glare of our light addiction, with devastating impacts.

In this book Dani shares with you the excitement and adventure she has found when everyone else is tucked up in bed. She explores constellations and cultures, enjoys environmental escapades, all whilst learning why we are addicted to light and why it is ruining our lives. She'll show you why the darkness is so important and why we must protect it all costs. You'll become a crusader of Darkness and an expert on what we can do to stop the onward march of light pollution (clue: it's as easy as the flick of a switch).

Her life depends on darkness, and yours does too.

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