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Viser: Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition, 7. udgave

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition

Michael Moffett, Arthur Stonehill og David Eiteman
Sprog: Engelsk
Pearson Education, Limited
698,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition, 7. udgave

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition Vital Source e-bog

Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
Pearson International
394,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition, 7. udgave

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition Vital Source e-bog

Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
Pearson International
457,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition, 7. udgave

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition Vital Source e-bog

Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
Pearson International
521,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition, 6. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Global Edition Vital Source e-bog

Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
Pearson International
638,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Paperback: 624 sider
  • Udgiver: Pearson Education, Limited (September 2023)
  • Forfattere: Michael Moffett, Arthur Stonehill og David Eiteman
  • ISBN: 9781292727820

PART 1: GLOBAL FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT Multinational Fin Mgmt: Challenges & Opportunities The International Monetary System The Balance of Payments Financial Goals and Corporate Governance
PART 2: FOREIGN EXCHANGE THEORY & MARKETS The Foreign Exchange Market International Parity Conditions Appendix: An Algebraic Primer to Parity Conditions Foreign Currency Futures & Options Interest Rate Derivatives & Swaps Exchange Rate Determination & Forecasting
PART 3: FOREIGN EXCHANGE EXPOSURE Transaction Exposure Translation Exposure Operating Exposure
PART 4: FINANCING THE GLOBAL FIRM The Global Cost and Availability of Capital Funding the Multinational Firm Multinational Tax Management International Trade Finance
PART 5: FOREIGN INVESTMENTS & OPERATIONS Foreign Direct Investment & Political Risk Multinational Capital Budgeting & Cross-Border Acquisitions Answers to selected end-of-
chapter problems

Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source 90 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
  • ISBN: 9781292459615R90
For undergraduate courses in International Financial Management, International Business Finance, or International Finance. Real-world examples introduce readers to global financial management strategy Fundamentals of Multinational Finance helps prepare tomorrow’s business leaders to comprehend global markets and lead organizations through a constantly changing global environment. Via illuminating case studies and real-world examples, readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts and tools necessary to implement an effective global financial management strategy. The 7th Edition reflects the juxtaposed forces of an increasingly digital global marketplace and a resurgence of nationalist culture and identity. Financial forces, markets, and management are in many ways at the crux of this challenge. This edition reflects a business world trying to find a new balance between business startups like the micro-multinational, a maturing China, a separatist Britain (Brexit), and an attempt by governments globally to channel, regulate (and tax) multinational firms that continue to grow in stature and strength.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
  • ISBN: 9781292459615R180
For undergraduate courses in International Financial Management, International Business Finance, or International Finance. Real-world examples introduce readers to global financial management strategy Fundamentals of Multinational Finance helps prepare tomorrow’s business leaders to comprehend global markets and lead organizations through a constantly changing global environment. Via illuminating case studies and real-world examples, readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts and tools necessary to implement an effective global financial management strategy. The 7th Edition reflects the juxtaposed forces of an increasingly digital global marketplace and a resurgence of nationalist culture and identity. Financial forces, markets, and management are in many ways at the crux of this challenge. This edition reflects a business world trying to find a new balance between business startups like the micro-multinational, a maturing China, a separatist Britain (Brexit), and an attempt by governments globally to channel, regulate (and tax) multinational firms that continue to grow in stature and strength.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
  • ISBN: 9781292459615R365
For undergraduate courses in International Financial Management, International Business Finance, or International Finance. Real-world examples introduce readers to global financial management strategy Fundamentals of Multinational Finance helps prepare tomorrow’s business leaders to comprehend global markets and lead organizations through a constantly changing global environment. Via illuminating case studies and real-world examples, readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts and tools necessary to implement an effective global financial management strategy. The 7th Edition reflects the juxtaposed forces of an increasingly digital global marketplace and a resurgence of nationalist culture and identity. Financial forces, markets, and management are in many ways at the crux of this challenge. This edition reflects a business world trying to find a new balance between business startups like the micro-multinational, a maturing China, a separatist Britain (Brexit), and an attempt by governments globally to channel, regulate (and tax) multinational firms that continue to grow in stature and strength.
Licens varighed:
Online udgaven er tilgængelig: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Pearson International (Juli 2023)
  • Forfattere: Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill og David K. Eiteman
  • ISBN: 9781292459615
For undergraduate courses in International Financial Management, International Business Finance, or International Finance. Real-world examples introduce readers to global financial management strategy Fundamentals of Multinational Finance helps prepare tomorrow’s business leaders to comprehend global markets and lead organizations through a constantly changing global environment. Via illuminating case studies and real-world examples, readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts and tools necessary to implement an effective global financial management strategy. The 7th Edition reflects the juxtaposed forces of an increasingly digital global marketplace and a resurgence of nationalist culture and identity. Financial forces, markets, and management are in many ways at the crux of this challenge. This edition reflects a business world trying to find a new balance between business startups like the micro-multinational, a maturing China, a separatist Britain (Brexit), and an attempt by governments globally to channel, regulate (and tax) multinational firms that continue to grow in stature and strength.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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