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Viser: Engineering Design Methods

Engineering Design Methods - Strategies for Product Design, 5. udgave

Engineering Design Methods

Strategies for Product Design
Nigel Cross
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
475,00 kr. 427,50 kr.
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Engineering Design Methods, 5. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Engineering Design Methods Vital Source e-bog

Nigel Cross
John Wiley & Sons
477,00 kr. 429,30 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Paperback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Marts 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781119724377

A revised text that presents specific design methods within an overall strategy from concept to detail design 

The fifth edition of Engineering Design Methods is an improved and updated version of this very successful, classic text on engineering product design. It provides an overview of design activities and processes, detailed descriptions and examples of how to use key design methods, and outlines design project strategies and management techniques. Written by a noted expert on the topic, the new edition contains an enriched variety of examples and case studies, and up to date material on design thinking and the development of design expertise.  

This new edition opens with a compelling original case study of a revolutionary new city-car design by ex-Formula One designer Gordon Murray. The study illustrates the complete development of a novel design and brings to life the process of design, from concept through to prototype. The core of the book presents detailed instructions and examples for using design methods throughout the design process, ranging from identifying new product opportunities, through establishing functions and setting requirements, to generating, evaluating and improving alternative designs. This important book: 

  • Offers a revised and updated edition of an established, successful text on understanding the design process and using design methods  
  • Includes new material on design thinking and design ability and new examples of the use of design methods 
  • Presents clear, detailed and illustrated presentations of eight key design methods in engineering product design 

 Written for undergraduates and postgraduates across all fields of engineering and product design, the fifth edition of Engineering Design Methods offers an updated, substantial, and reliable text on product design and innovation. 

Introduction vii
Part One: Design Fundamentals 1 1 The Activity of Design 3 What Designers Say 3 What Designers Do 5 Case Study 9 2 The Nature of Design 15 Design Problems 15 Problem Structures 18 How Designers Problem-Solve 21 3 The Process of Design 27 Descriptive Models 27 Prescriptive Models 30 Integrative Models 37
Part Two: Design Practice 41 4 Design Procedures 43 Systematic Procedures 43 Design Methods 44 Creative Methods 46 Rational Methods 53 5 Identifying Opportunities 57 The User Scenarios Method 58 6 Clarifying Objectives 73 The Objectives Tree Method 74 7 Establishing Functions 87 The Function Analysis Method 88 8 Setting Requirements 99 The Performance Specification Method 100 9 Determining Characteristics 113 The Quality Function Deployment Method 114 10 Generating Alternatives 129 The Morphological Chart Method 130 11 Evaluating Alternatives 143 The Weighted Objectives Method 144 12 Improving Details 161 The Value Engineering Method 162 13 Design Strategies 179 What is a Design Strategy? 179 Strategy Frameworks 183 Strategy Control 185 Learning to Design 186 Developing Expertise 188
Part Three: Design Thinking 191 14 Design and Innovation 193 Product Planning 193 Systems Design 198 References and Sources 203 Index 205

Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Januar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781119724407

A revised text that presents specific design methods within an overall strategy from concept to detail design 

The fifth edition of Engineering Design Methods is an improved and updated version of this very successful, classic text on engineering product design. It provides an overview of design activities and processes, detailed descriptions and examples of how to use key design methods, and outlines design project strategies and management techniques. Written by a noted expert on the topic, the new edition contains an enriched variety of examples and case studies, and up to date material on design thinking and the development of design expertise.  

This new edition opens with a compelling original case study of a revolutionary new city-car design by ex-Formula One designer Gordon Murray. The study illustrates the complete development of a novel design and brings to life the process of design, from concept through to prototype. The core of the book presents detailed instructions and examples for using design methods throughout the design process, ranging from identifying new product opportunities, through establishing functions and setting requirements, to generating, evaluating and improving alternative designs. This important book: 

  • Offers a revised and updated edition of an established, successful text on understanding the design process and using design methods  
  • Includes new material on design thinking and design ability and new examples of the use of design methods 
  • Presents clear, detailed and illustrated presentations of eight key design methods in engineering product design 

 Written for undergraduates and postgraduates across all fields of engineering and product design, the fifth edition of Engineering Design Methods offers an updated, substantial, and reliable text on product design and innovation. 

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