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Viser: An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7. udgave

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

Graham L. Patrick
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
629,00 kr. 566,10 kr.
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An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7. udgave

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry Vital Source e-bog

Graham L. Patrick
Oxford University Press
341,00 kr. 306,90 kr.
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An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7. udgave

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry Vital Source e-bog

Graham L. Patrick
Oxford University Press
399,00 kr. 359,10 kr.
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An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry Vital Source e-bog

Graham L. Patrick
Oxford University Press
524,00 kr. 471,60 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Paperback: 960 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Marts 2023)
  • ISBN: 9780198866664
Medication is widely used to support the human body to fight against infection and pain. In an era of pharmaceutical and medicinal challenges, and thanks to the media, we have all become more familiar with drug production and distribution. However, do we really know what happens before those drugs are distributed? What's the process behind drug discovery? How do our bodies interact with those chemicals? An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7th edition, offers a complete and accessible approach to this multidisciplinary field. Its guiding and accessible writing style makes this text an ideal tool for those studying the subject for first time, but also for those looking to deepen their knowledge.The book guides students through a journey from understanding the principles of drug action targets in Part A, to how drugs interact at a molecular level with our organs to offer therapeutic value in Part B, and exploring drug design and discovery, as well as regulatory procedures, in Part C. Offering a practical approach, Part D provides a deeper look at specific tools and techniques of medicinal chemistry, concluding with emerging topics including antibodies and anticancer agents in Part E. From principles to practice, accompanied by examples and case studies emerging from current biomedical research, the book will equip students with a robust understanding of medicinal chemistry, which will prepare them for future success. Oxford Learning Link features:For students:· Newly added Multiple-Choice Questions to support self-directed learning· Web articles describing recent developments in the field and further information on topics covered in the book· Journal Club to encourage students to critically analyse the research literature· Molecular Modelling Exercises based on the use of freely available software. · New assignments to help students develop their data analysis and problem-solving skillsFor registered adopters of the book:· A test bank of additional multiple-choice questions, with links to relevant sections in the book· Answers to end-of-chapter questions.· Figures from the book, ready to download.· Power Point slides to accompany every chapter in the book.
1: Drugs and Drug Targets
2: Protein Structure and Function
3: Enzymes: Structure and Function
4: Receptors: Structure and Function
5: Receptors and Signal Transduction
6: Nucleic Acids: Structure and Function
7: Enzymes as Drug Targets
8: Receptors as Drug Targets
9: Nucleic Acids as Drug Targets
10: Miscellaneous Drug Targets
11: Pharmacokinetics and Related Topics Case Study
1: Statins
12: Drug Discovery: Finding a Lead
13: Drug Design: Optimizing Target Interactions
14: Drug Design: Optimizing Access to the Target
15: Getting the Drug to Market Case Study
2: The Design of ACE Inhibitors Case Study
3: Artemisinin and Related Antimalarial Drugs Case Study
4: The Design of Oxamni Case Study
5: Fosfidomycin as an Antimalarial Agent
16: Combinatorial and Parallel Synthesis
17: In Silico Drug Design
18: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Case Study
6: De Novo Design of a Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitor
19: Antibacterial Agents
20: Antiviral Agents
21: Anticancer Agents
22: Protein Kinase Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents
23: Antibodies and Other Biologics
24: Cholinergics, Anticholinergics, and Anticholinestarases
25: Drugs Acting on the Adrenergic Nervous System
26: The Opioid Analgesics
27: Anti-Ulcer Agents
28: Cardiovascular Drugs Case Study
7: Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Case Study
8: Design of a Novel Antidepressant Case Study
9: The Design and Development Of Aliskiren Case Study
10: Factor Xa Inhibitors Case Study
11: Reversible Inhibitors of HCV NS-34A Protease

Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (April 2023)
  • ISBN: 9780192636478R180
Medication is widely used to support the human body to fight against infection and pain. In an era of pharmaceutical and medicinal challenges, we have all become more familiar with drug production and distribution. However, do we really know what happens before those drugs are distributed? What's the process behind drug discovery? How do our bodies interact with those chemicals? An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7th edition, offers a complete and accessible approach to this multidisciplinary field. Its student-friendly writing style makes this text an ideal tool for those coming to the subject for first time, but also for students looking to deepen their understanding. The book guides students through understanding the principles of drug action targets in Part A, to how drugs interact at a molecular level with our organs to offer therapeutic value in Part B, and exploring drug design and discovery, as well as regulatory procedures in Part C. Offering a practical approach, Part D provides a deeper look at specific tools and techniques of medicinal chemistry, concluding with emerging topics including antibodies and anticancer agents in Part E. From principles to practice, accompanied by examples and case studies emerging from current biomedical research, the book will equip students with a robust understanding of medicinal chemistry, to prepare them for future success.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (April 2023)
  • ISBN: 9780192636478R365
Medication is widely used to support the human body to fight against infection and pain. In an era of pharmaceutical and medicinal challenges, we have all become more familiar with drug production and distribution. However, do we really know what happens before those drugs are distributed? What's the process behind drug discovery? How do our bodies interact with those chemicals? An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7th edition, offers a complete and accessible approach to this multidisciplinary field. Its student-friendly writing style makes this text an ideal tool for those coming to the subject for first time, but also for students looking to deepen their understanding. The book guides students through understanding the principles of drug action targets in Part A, to how drugs interact at a molecular level with our organs to offer therapeutic value in Part B, and exploring drug design and discovery, as well as regulatory procedures in Part C. Offering a practical approach, Part D provides a deeper look at specific tools and techniques of medicinal chemistry, concluding with emerging topics including antibodies and anticancer agents in Part E. From principles to practice, accompanied by examples and case studies emerging from current biomedical research, the book will equip students with a robust understanding of medicinal chemistry, to prepare them for future success.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (April 2023)
  • ISBN: 9780192636478
Medication is widely used to support the human body to fight against infection and pain. In an era of pharmaceutical and medicinal challenges, we have all become more familiar with drug production and distribution. However, do we really know what happens before those drugs are distributed? What's the process behind drug discovery? How do our bodies interact with those chemicals? An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 7th edition, offers a complete and accessible approach to this multidisciplinary field. Its student-friendly writing style makes this text an ideal tool for those coming to the subject for first time, but also for students looking to deepen their understanding. The book guides students through understanding the principles of drug action targets in Part A, to how drugs interact at a molecular level with our organs to offer therapeutic value in Part B, and exploring drug design and discovery, as well as regulatory procedures in Part C. Offering a practical approach, Part D provides a deeper look at specific tools and techniques of medicinal chemistry, concluding with emerging topics including antibodies and anticancer agents in Part E. From principles to practice, accompanied by examples and case studies emerging from current biomedical research, the book will equip students with a robust understanding of medicinal chemistry, to prepare them for future success.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 4 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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