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Viser: The Big Book of Small Python Projects - 81 Easy Practice Programs

The Big Book of Small Python Projects - 81 Easy Practice Programs

The Big Book of Small Python Projects

81 Easy Practice Programs
Al Sweigart
Sprog: Engelsk
No Starch Press, Incorporated
491,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 432 sider
  • Udgiver: No Starch Press, Incorporated (Juli 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781718501249
The 100+ short, complete Python programmes in this book are designed to help beginning-to-intermediate Python programmers broaden their skills by providing a diverse set of coding examples they can study, emulate, and draw inspiration from. The programmes range from classic card and board games and mazes, to maths and probability demos, and mad libs. The author includes the complete code for each programme, as well as commentary and suggestions for how to modify and experiment with code.
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