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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Probability


Jim Pitman
Springer New York (1993)
555,00 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til ISE Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8. udgave

ISE Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Kenneth H. Rosen
McGraw-Hill Education (2018)
666,00 kr. 599,40 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition - The Hardware Software Interface, 2. udgave

Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition

The Hardware Software Interface
David A. Patterson og John L. Hennessy
Elsevier Science & Technology (2021)
859,00 kr. 773,10 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 7. udgave

Numerical Mathematics and Computing

E. Cheney og David Kincaid
Blue Kingfisher (2020)
1.030,00 kr. 927,00 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Partial Differential Equations - An Accessible Route Through Theory and Applications

Partial Differential Equations

An Accessible Route Through Theory and Applications
Andras Vasy
American Mathematical Society (2015)
777,00 kr. 699,30 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis

Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis

Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha og Robert J. Witt
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (2001)
888,00 kr. 799,20 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications

Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications

Erwin Kreyszig
John Wiley & Sons, Limited (1989)
999,00 kr. 899,10 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript - A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites, 6. udgave

Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript

A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites
Robin Nixon
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (2021)
598,00 kr. 538,20 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Engineering Software Products: an Introduction to Modern Software Engineering, Global Edition, 1. udgave

Engineering Software Products: an Introduction to Modern Software Engineering, Global Edition

Ian Sommerville
Pearson Education, Limited (2020)
699,00 kr. 629,10 kr.
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miniaturebillede af omslaget til Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers

Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers

Georg Hager og Gerhard Wellein
CRC Press LLC (2010)
666,00 kr.
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