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Viser: Engines - The Inner Workings of Machines That Move the World

Engines - The Inner Workings of Machines That Move the World


The Inner Workings of Machines That Move the World
Theodore Gray
Sprog: Engelsk
Running Press
310,00 kr.
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  • Hardback: 240 sider
  • Udgiver: Running Press (Oktober 2022)
  • ISBN: 9780762498345
The international bestselling author of How Things Work and The Elements Trilogy turns his focus to a visual exploration of the inner workings and functionality of the marvelous machines that run our world--from the first steam engines to giant turbines to today's tiny electrical engines.

In Engines, the always entertaining and informative Theodore Gray explores the glorious guts and intricate innards of dozens of impressive machines. Through his engaging and unexpected stories and Nick Mann's trademark gorgeous photography, Gray takes us on a journey from ancient Greek steam engines to our most sophisticated twenty-first-century machinery. We take time to appreciate the detailed functionality of the internal combustion engine, the connection between magnetism and electric motors, as well as hydraulics, robotics, and more. Each chapter builds on the previous, illuminating the evolution of engines and revealing the ingenuity brought to bear as humans invented and perfected these marvelous mechanical systems. Along the way, Gray regales us with tales of his own experiences working with and collecting these machines. For fans of how things are made and how they work, Engines is a loving tribute to the mechanical world.    
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