Viser: What's Cypersecurity all about?

What's Cypersecurity all about?, 1. udgave

What's Cypersecurity all about?

Robin Sharp
Sprog: Dansk
Polyteknisk Forlag
169,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • 104 sider
  • Udgiver: Polyteknisk Forlag (Februar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9788750200239
"Vaccine research patent details stolen by hackers"
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"All computers at local hospital paralysed by computer virus"
"Government 'cannot find' documents stored on confidential database"
"Smart TVs can spy on you at home"
"Man arrested for having child pornography on his laptop 'didn't know how it got there'"

Headlines like these reflect one of the dangers of modern life, where electronic communication between computers, smartphones and other electronic devices forms the basis for innumerable social, commercial
and administrative activities.

The aim of cybersecurity is to prevent such undesirable events from happening. This book gives a gentle introduction to what this involves, by answering questions such as: What should one look out for? How do failures of cybersecurity arise? And last but not least, why is perfect cybersecurity so hard to achieve?
Unwanted events 5 Attacks
Networks 11 Internet Layers
Security challenges in networks
A tricky problem: Authentification
Why is spoofing so easy?
Internet names and addresses
Denial of Service
Software vulnerabilities
Finding software flaws
Malicious software
Protection against attacks
Traffic control
Malware control
Monitoring behaviour
Cryptographic techniques
Contents Tunneling
Access control
Protecting large-scale infrastructure
Human factors 59 Countering faulty thinking
Exploitable mental properties
Can psychological attacks be prevented?
Why is cybersecurity so hard to achieve?
The attackers’ strengths
The defenders’ weaknesses
A Some technical details
Numbers and units
Establishing personal identities
Universal Resource Identifiers
Mail relays
B Acronyms
C Figure sources

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