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Wastewater treatment

Biological and Chemical Processes
Jes la Cour Jansen, Erik Arvin, Mogens Henze og Poul Harremoës
Polyteknisk Forlag (2021)
499,00 kr.
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Price: €67 + Shipping: €34 (You will be charged in DKK)

Wastewater Treatment for your advanced course

Textbooks for wastewater treatment often seek to cover all aspects of wastewater treatment - from historical development to practical design and operation, modelling of the processes, and how to use models for further optimized operation.


The present textbook is based on a different approach. The aim is to provide the fundamental understanding of the underlying biological and chemical processes in wastewater treatment and how they are expressed in treatment plants.


Wastewater Treatment - Biological and Chemical Processes was developed at The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) for advanced courses in wastewater treatment for students already having the basic understanding of the topic.


The book presents basic data on wastewater flows and composition and the principles and fundamentals of the biological and chemical processes taking place at most wastewater treatment plants.


The processes are linked with mass balances that enable understanding and design of the often, complicated combinations of basic processes that constitute real wastewater treatment plant. 


In addition, this concept is necessary for utilization of mathematical models of treatment plants for trouble shooting and optimization of plant operation.


The book is introduced with chapters on volumes and composition of wastewater as well as methods for characterization.


A comprehensive chapter introduces all the basic biological processes relevant to the present wastewater treatment. Next, the theory behind dominating plant types based on activated sludge and biofilters are presented, including typical design principles.


Four chapters detail processes, plant types and design of plants for nitrification, denitrification, biological phosphorus removal and anaerobic treatment including the Anammox for anaerobic treatment of digester supernatant.


The last chapters deal with chemical precipitation of phosphorus and removal of organic micropollutants, including oil related compounds, pharmaceuticals, etc.


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Wastewater Treatment for your professional use

While Wastewater Treatment - Biological and Chemical Processes is primarily written as a textbook, it is also very useful for consulting engineers and practitioners at wastewater treatment plants - as an update on the basics of their work field or more specifically, to get a deeper insight into the problems and processes important for their present work.

Contents at a glance:

1. Wastewater, Volumes and Composition
2. Characterization of Wastewater and Biomass
3. Basic Biological Processes
4. Activated Sludge Treatment Plants
5. Biofilters
6. Treatment Plants for Nitrification
7. Treatment Plants for Denitrification
8. Treatments Plants for Biological Phosphorus Remova
9. Hydrolysis-acid production, Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment, Ammonium Oxidation
10. Treatment Plants for Chemical Phosphorus Removal
11. Removal of organic micropollutants


A short history of the book

This 5’th English edition of “Wastewater Treatment - Biological and Chemical Processes” is based on a forty year long development of the fundamental ambition - to be the scientific basis for wastewater treatment technology.

The idea to create a book was initiated in 1972 where we began to produce lecture notes at the Department of Sanitary Engineering, now DTU Environment, at the Technical University of Denmark.
The notes were slowly developed over the years and the first Danish edition was published in 1990.The second Danish edition came in 1992 and was translated into the first English edition (1995). The second English edition (1997) was translated into Polish and Chinese (2000).The third edition that came in English (2002) was translated back to Danish (2003) and into Russian (2004).Significant revisions were introduced with the fourth edition that was published in 2019: updating of chapters with new information, removal of no longer valid data, adding new chapters and at the same time, too specialized topics were removed to shorten the book.


With this fifth edition, published in 2021, the graphical design has been updated significantly to make the book more reader-friendly and errors have been corrected.

The guiding principle for the development of the book has been to provide a basis for the process understanding, design, and optimization of wastewater treatment plants. It is written for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, consulting engineers, and process engineers at wastewater treatment plants. Over the years, the text has been expanded with new developments but also shortened and rewritten where knowledge is outdated.
The editor of the textbooks until the fourth edition has been Mogens Henze. Without his engagement and never-ending enthusiasm for the book, this development would not have been possible.
Rudersdal, Summer 2021.

Jes la Cour Jansen and Erik Arvin

Details at a glance

Wastewater Treatment - Biological and Chemical Processes


Jes la Cour Jansen, Erik Arvin, Mogens Henze & Poul Harremoës


5th edition, August 2021

Polyteknisk Forlag

400 pages

ISBN: 9788750200123

Language: English

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About the authors

Jes la Cour Jansen is Professor Emeritus in Water and Environmental Engineering, Lund University and has developed and taught wastewater courses at a number of universities, including The Technical University of Denmark and Lund University. 

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Erik Arvin is Professor Emeritus in water supply engineering. M.Sc. in chemistry from DTU 1969. Worked by Haldor Topsøe A/S (process engineering) and NOVO A/S (enzyme production) before being employed by DTU. Research associate professor at Dept. of Civil Engineering at Stanford University 1987-1988. Specialist in water quality and water treatment.

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Mogens Henze is Professor Emeritus in wastewater. Research areas biological processes in wastewater treatment, wastewater characteristics and modelling.

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Poul Harremoës - CV will be added later