Viser: Democratizing RPA with Power Automate Desktop - Boost Your Productivity by Implementing Best Practices for Automating Repetitive Desktop Processes

Democratizing RPA with Power Automate Desktop, 1. udgave
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Democratizing RPA with Power Automate Desktop Vital Source e-bog

Peter Krause
Packt Publishing
299,00 kr. 269,10 kr.
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Democratizing RPA with Power Automate Desktop - Boost Your Productivity by Implementing Best Practices for Automating Repetitive Desktop Processes

Democratizing RPA with Power Automate Desktop

Boost Your Productivity by Implementing Best Practices for Automating Repetitive Desktop Processes
Peter Krause
Sprog: Engelsk
Packt Publishing, Limited
471,00 kr. 423,90 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Packt Publishing (Marts 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781803230382

Discover how desktop flows can interact with your everyday tools and automate tasks, freeing up time to do more important things
Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Key Features

  • Learn how Office programs can assist with automating recurring tasks
  • Maintain superior work quality by including daily desktop and web applications in your flows
  • Enrich your flows with additional AI-based information and integrate them with cloud systems

Book Description

Whether you want to organize simple files or perform more complex consolidations between different Office programs and remote-control applications that don't allow outside access, Power Automate Desktop helps meet these challenges. This book shows you how to leverage this workflow automation platform by explaining the underlying RPA concepts in a step-by-step way.
You’ll start with simple flows that can be easily recorded and further processed using the built-in recorder. Later, you’ll learn how to use the more advanced actions to automate folder and file management and enable Office programs to interact with each other. You’ll also get to grips with integrating desktop flows into other cloud environments and further enhance their value using AI. As you progress, you’ll understand how flows can run unattended and how they are managed in the Power Platform, as well as key concepts such as creating, modifying, debugging, and error-handling UI flows. Finally, the book will guide you to use Process Automation Designer (PAD) in conjunction with your frequently used desktop systems to automate routine tasks.
By the end of this book, you’ll have become a Power Automate Desktop expert, automating both professional and personal tasks.

What you will learn

  • Master RPA with Power Automate Desktop to commence your debut flow
  • Grasp all essential product concepts such as UI flow creation and modification, debugging, and error handling
  • Use PAD to automate tasks in conjunction with the frequently used systems on your desktop
  • Attain proficiency in configuring flows that run unattended to achieve seamless automation
  • Discover how to use AI to enrich your flows with insights from different AI models
  • Explore how to integrate a flow in a broader cloud context

Who this book is for

Whether you’re a home user looking to automate simple tasks on your workstation or a business user or citizen developer seeking to automate more complex rule-based processes, this book will help you overcome the challenge. No knowledge of a programming language is required, but in the more advanced chapters, a general understanding of information technology, including basic programming language structures, protocols, and cloud concepts, will be helpful.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 308 sider
  • Udgiver: Packt Publishing, Limited (April 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781803245942
Discover how desktop flows can interact with your everyday tools and automate tasks, freeing up time to do more important thingsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook Key Features
  • Learn how Office programs can assist with automating recurring tasks
  • Maintain superior work quality by including daily desktop and web applications in your flows
  • Enrich your flows with additional AI-based information and integrate them with cloud systems
Book Description Whether you want to organize simple files or perform more complex consolidations between different Office programs and remote-control applications that don't allow outside access, Power Automate Desktop helps meet these challenges. This book shows you how to leverage this workflow automation platform by explaining the underlying RPA concepts in a step-by-step way.You'll start with simple flows that can be easily recorded and further processed using the built-in recorder. Later, you'll learn how to use the more advanced actions to automate folder and file management and enable Office programs to interact with each other. You'll also get to grips with integrating desktop flows into other cloud environments and further enhance their value using AI. As you progress, you'll understand how flows can run unattended and how they are managed in the Power Platform, as well as key concepts such as creating, modifying, debugging, and error-handling UI flows. Finally, the book will guide you to use Process Automation Designer (PAD) in conjunction with your frequently used desktop systems to automate routine tasks.By the end of this book, you'll have become a Power Automate Desktop expert, automating both professional and personal tasks. What you will learn
  • Master RPA with Power Automate Desktop to commence your debut flow
  • Grasp all essential product concepts such as UI flow creation and modification, debugging, and error handling
  • Use PAD to automate tasks in conjunction with the frequently used systems on your desktop
  • Attain proficiency in configuring flows that run unattended to achieve seamless automation
  • Discover how to use AI to enrich your flows with insights from different AI models
  • Explore how to integrate a flow in a broader cloud context
Who this book is for

Whether you're a home user looking to automate simple tasks on your workstation or a business user or citizen developer seeking to automate more complex rule-based processes, this book will help you overcome the challenge. No knowledge of a programming language is required, but in the more advanced chapters, a general understanding of information technology, including basic programming language structures, protocols, and cloud concepts, will be helpful.

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