Viser: Foundations of Information Security - A Straightforward Introduction

Foundations of Information Security - A Straightforward Introduction

Foundations of Information Security

A Straightforward Introduction
Jason Andress
Sprog: Engelsk
No Starch Press, Incorporated
489,00 kr. 440,10 kr.
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  • Paperback: 248 sider
  • Udgiver: No Starch Press, Incorporated (Oktober 2019)
  • ISBN: 9781718500044
Foundations of Information Security provides readers with fundamental knowledge of information security in both theoretical and practical aspects. Each chapter explores one main security concept, lists scenarios in which the concept is applicable, and discusses the implementation of that concept in detail, often by going over rival models or strategies. Readers will come away with a sense of what types of assets need protecting, what kinds of risks exist, and what kinds of defensive measures can be taken.
Chapter 1: What is Information Security?
Chapter 2: Indentification and Authentication
Chapter 3: Authorization and Access Control
Chapter 4: Auditing and Accountability
Chapter 5: Cryptography
Chapter 6: Compliance, Laws, and Regulations
Chapter 7: Operations Security
Chapter 8: Human Element Security
Chapter 9: Physical Security
Chapter 10: Network Security
Chapter 11: Operating System Security
Chapter 12: Mobile, Embedded, and Internet of Things Security
Chapter 13: Application Security
Chapter 14: Assessing Security Notes

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