Viser: Fluent Python - Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming

Fluent Python, 2. udgave
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Fluent Python Vital Source e-bog

Luciano Ramalho
O'Reilly Media, Inc
656,00 kr.
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Fluent Python - Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming, 2. udgave

Fluent Python

Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming
Luciano Ramalho
Sprog: Engelsk
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
724,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (Marts 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781492056300
Don't waste time bending Python to fit patterns you've learned in other languages. Python's simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but often this means you aren't using everything the language has to offer. With the updated edition of this hands-on guide, you'll learn how to write effective, modern Python 3 code by leveraging its best ideas. Discover and apply idiomatic Python 3 features beyond your past experience. Author Luciano Ramalho guides you through Python's core language features and libraries and teaches you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable. Complete with major updates throughout, this new edition features five parts that work as five short books within the book: Data structures: Sequences, dicts, sets, Unicode, and data classes Functions as objects: First-class functions, related design patterns, and type hints in function declarations Object-oriented idioms: Composition, inheritance, mixins, interfaces, operator overloading, protocols, and more static types Control flow: Context managers, generators, coroutines, async/await, and thread/process pools Metaprogramming: Properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and new class metaprogramming hooks that replace or simplify metaclasses
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 900 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (April 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781492056355

Don't waste time bending Python to fit patterns you've learned in other languages. Python's simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but often this means you aren't using everything the language has to offer. With the updated edition of this hands-on guide, you'll learn how to write effective, modern Python 3 code by leveraging its best ideas.

Discover and apply idiomatic Python 3 features beyond your past experience. Author Luciano Ramalho guides you through Python's core language features and libraries and teaches you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable.

Complete with major updates throughout, this new edition features five parts that work as five short books within the book:

  • Data structures: Sequences, dicts, sets, Unicode, and data classes
  • Functions as objects: First-class functions, related design patterns, and type hints in function declarations
  • Object-oriented idioms: Composition, inheritance, mixins, interfaces, operator overloading, protocols, and more static types
  • Control flow: Context managers, generators, coroutines, async/await, and thread/process pools
  • Metaprogramming: Properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and new class metaprogramming hooks that replace or simplify metaclasses

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