Viser: Make It All about Me - Leveraging Omnichannel and AI for Marketing Success
Make It All about Me
Leveraging Omnichannel and AI for Marketing Success
Rasmus Houlind og Colin Shearer
Sprog: Engelsk
LID Publishing
269,00 kr.
242,10 kr.
7 stk på lager
Hvor kan jeg afhente varen?Detaljer om varen
- Paperback: 456 sider
- Udgiver: LID Publishing (Juni 2019)
- Forfattere: Rasmus Houlind og Colin Shearer
- ISBN: 9781912555147
The term "omnichannel" may be a marketing buzzword, but it also refers to a significant shift: marketers now need to provide a seamless experience, regardless of channel or device. Make It All About Me suggests how to work with omnichannel marketing and artificial intelligence without getting stuck in a certain channel or silo. Drawing on insights from global marketing experts, the book centers around the Omnichannel Hexagon, a framework to help gauge your omnichannel progress and prioritize your marketing efforts to ensure that every step you take is a step closer to the perfect, tailored customer experience - without sacrificing profitability.The authors provide the background for understanding the six main omnichannel disciplines and demonstrate how you can manage them in a more customer-centric manner. Readers will get a visual overview of how far along their organization is in working with omnichannel and what barriers might impede further progress.
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